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2022 GLOBE Regional Meeting Brings together GLOBE Community from Europe and Eurasia
Representatives of 24 countries attended the 2022 GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Region Meeting, as well as Country Coordinators, trainers, scientists, teachers, education experts, GLOBE alumni and U.S. Embassy representatives.  >>

GLOBE Slovakia Students´ Conference
To celebrate our second year in The GLOBE Program, the Students´ Conference was held online on 23 June 2022. Seventeen GLOBE teams from schools all around Slovakia presented their GLOBE activities of the school year 2021/22.  >>

Croatian GLOBE Games
The 25th Croatian GLOBE Games were organized in Čakovec and in the tourist resort Sveti Martin na Muri on 10-12 May. In all, 120 participants were from the 39 most active GLOBE schools, each represented by a team of three students and their teacher.  >>

