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Phenology observations from Píšť Elementary School, Czech Republic

Lenka Kleger, modified 6 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 87 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
Dear Teachers,

Renáta Hasalová, a GLOBE teacher from Píšť Elementary school, Czech Republic sent me very nice and interesting text about their phenology observations. Now I am happy to share it with you:

Our observation
Children are taking the photos of a cherry tree. You know, we didn´t start until March, because our first tree was cut down. Air temperatures in March were -6 °C to 15°C. In March the buds slept and around March 20 they started swelling. We observed the first leaves (budburst) about at the beginning of April. This month we did the measurement 2-3 times a week. The leaves are larger than 4 cm now. It´s very interesting, that the leaves on the same branch are a different size (a bit apart).
The second tree is in Hlučín (the town 10km away from Píšť). This is a linden tree. I´m following this tree in the alley, because, I have access to the Internet. There are about 40 trees in the alley. The buds were opened earlier than usual because the weather is very warm in these days in April. It was amazing because the same kind of tree in the alley (a distance a few meters) began to grow at another time. My watched tree began to wake up on April 7th.
Since then the buds have changed into 4-5 cm large leaves.
It was more interesting for me to observe the change of trees in the alley ……. while my tree was still sleeping, the neighbouring trees were in the mood. Unfortunately, I have not been able to make trees statistics for a short time. Now, we've photographed the trees into the app and we measure the size of leaves.
If we compare with the chart for the Czech Republic, we find, that monitored trees started to grow much earlier than at the end of April, because the weather was very warm. 


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