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Our Fig Tree

Gozo College Xewkija Primary, modified 5 Months ago.
Padawan Posts: 14 Join Date: 11/7/19 Recent Posts
The past four days, I checked daily on the fig tree to see the daily growth. I noticed that the 2 largest leaves kept the same size. The other 2 are still small and are still in their growth process. After today's observation I will inform the students of our school by posting on the school's facebook page about the changes that are happening to our fig tree. It is very windy today and I really hope nothing happens to the leaves. I will post some photos to see the beauty of nature and how healthy our tree is. God Bless.
Take care and stay safe.
Mary Hannah Conway, modified 4 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 17 Join Date: 10/9/17 Recent Posts
Hi Josephine,
I think I've seen that leaf growing in Ireland (or perhaps something similar). I don't know too much about trees but those two big leaves could be the dominant ones and grow bigger faster. Irish species have apical buds that dominate their growth upwards but great photos in any case.
Mary emoticon


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