L2R Blog Intro

From Learning to Research Blogs

L2R Community blogs will post here.  If you would like to read the complete blog, click on the title.

Blogs Aggregator

Cumulous Clouds. 

Natural beauty increases through these clouds. 

Investigation Areas: Atmosphere


It is very hot day. 

Curriculum: Education Research

4Ds Mpumalanga's 4Ds

At the start of the month, i was invited by SAASTA, a body in South Africa that promotes science in schools to train teachers in 4 districts in 4 days in Mpumalanga. It took me 5hrs of drive from...

GLOBE Working Groups: Education Working Group Primary Audience: Trainers

ورش برنامج جلوب 

ورشة دليل الطالب الى براءة الاختراع قدمها مختصين من مكتب الامانة العامة تبراءة الاختراع في دول مجلس التعاون

GLOBE Science Topics: General Science

High Clouds .

Early in the morning here are high clouds in the sky .

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