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GLOBE Students/Teachers: Join the 25 April GLOBE International STEM Network Social Hour on 25 April – Get Your Questions Answered!
GLOBE teachers and students: You are invited to attend the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) “social hour” on Tuesday, 25 April, at 11:00 a.m. EDT (09:00 a.m. MDT). Your questions will be answered by GISN members!  >>

GLOBE Student Vloggers Update
The 2022/2023 GLOBE Student Vloggers met virtually in March for their last official meeting together. They will meet again one last time in April to celebrate their accomplishments and to receive their certificates. Keep tuning in to the YouTube channel as new episodes from the vloggers are released.  >>

Join 12 April Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Webinar: “The State of Trees – April 2023”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will be hosting the webinar: “The State of Trees – April 2023: The NASA Surface Water and Open Topography (SWOT) Mission and How it Aligns to Water Edges and Land Cover” on Wednesday, 12 April, at 01:00 p.m. EDT (05:00 p.m. UTC/07:00 p.m. CEST).  >>

On 06 April GLOBE Mission Mosquito Joins GLOBE Observer Connect to Discuss “Mosquitoes on the Landscape”
On Thursday, 06 April, GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) will join GLOBE Observer Connect to for a conversation on “Mosquitoes on the Landscape.” GLOBE Observer (GO) Connect is a new series of short conversations about GLOBE data, science, and the latest updates.  >>

GLOBE Informal/Formal K-12 Comprehensive Education Pre-Evaluation Activities Report is Now Available
The “GLOBE Informal/Formal K-12 Comprehensive Education Pre-Evaluation Activities” Report Brief is now complete – and available on the GLOBE website.  >>

Join Special GLOBE Earth Day Broadcast on 21 April
Earth Day, 22 April, marks the 28th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program! There will be a special Earth Day broadcast on 21 April (the day before Earth Day), at 09:00 a.m. MDT (04:00 p.m. UTC). Come celebrate with GLOBE! (To find out what time the stream starts in each area, click here.)  >>

Join the GLOBE Earth Day Activity: Collect, Visualize, Connect
Earth Day, 22 April, marks the 28th Anniversary of The GLOBE Program! To celebrate, the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) invites the community to participate in a special Earth Day Activity using GLOBE protocols. The deadline for this activity is 31 March.  >>

21-28 March: Join Trees Around the GLOBE One-Week Paired Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period 2023
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign is hosting a One-Week Tree Height and Land Cover Intensive Observation Period (IOP) from 21 March (which is the International Day of Forests) through 28 March.  >>

The GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature IOP is On
The March Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Intensive Observation Period (IOP) begins today, 01 March, and will take place throughout the month.  >>

GLOBE’s Accessibility Technology Solution Sub-Committee Seeks Input from Visually Impaired Community Members
GLOBE’s Accessibility Technology Solution Sub-Committee is seeking input from the GLOBE community. The special committee is charged by GLOBE’s Working Group chairs to explore ways in which technology and other tools can potentially facilitate greater levels of accessibility for everyone in relation to GLOBE tools and resources. The goal of this effort is to reduce and, where possible, remove impediments to maximum levels of participation in GLOBE.  >>