Mission Earth News


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Kids Club Offered for Another Year (2022)
GME Kids Club 2022 hosted weekly half hour virtual interactive sessions with students in Grades 3-5.  >>

Lake Erie Water Festival! GME-UT Staff travel to Monroe, MI to teach 175 elementary students how to analyze water using GLOBE hydrosphere protocols!
On Tuesday May 17th, 2022, GME-UT Staff traveled to Monroe, Michigan to host a tent at the annual Lake Erie Water Festival! The event included 175 students who rotated in groups throughout the festival to visit each tent's activity. GME-UT's tent was located adjacent to two different ponds, and GME-UT staff helped students collect and compare water from both ponds. Students also collected air temperature and surface temperature data, and noted current weather conditions on their data sheets. Leading the demonstrations was Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, Principal Investigator of GLOBE Mission EARTH, and GME-UT staff members Sara Mierzwiak, Dr. Yitong Jiang, and Olawale Oluwafemi ("Femi"). Students learned how to throw a bucket into the ponds and retrieve water, and performed the following water quality analyses: temperature, pH, nitrate, and phosphate.  >>

Water Quality Day! GME-UT Staff travel to Delta, Ohio to teach hundreds of elementary students GLOBE water analyses!
GME-UT staff traveled to Delta, Ohio on Friday May 13th, 2022 to help teach hundreds of 5th and 6th graders how to sample and analyze water from the Delta Reservoir using GLOBE hydrosphere protocols! Students also learned how to collect surface temperatures of different surfaces and compare that data. Dr. Kevin Czajkowski demonstrated how to do the analyses, and students split into groups with GME-UT members Sara Mierzwiak, Dr. Yitong Jiang, Olawale Oluwafemi ("Femi"), and Farrokh Namjooyan to collect and analyze their data. Students learned how to throw a bucket into the reservoir and retrieve water, and performed the following water quality analyses: temperature, pH, nitrate, and phosphate. Students also collected air temperature and surface temperature data, and noted the current weather conditions on their data sheets.  >>

2022 Midwest Earth System Science Collaborative Virtual Science Symposium
2nd Midwest Earth System Science Collaborative Virtual Science Symposium (SRS) was held on May 11, 2022  >>

Science From the Rooftops
Not far from the Oakland shoreline, where you can catch a dreamy, distant glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge, is the middle school where Jess Kunz teaches science. It’s in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland: only a fifteen-minute drive away from the shore, but a world apart. Here, the mists of the San Francisco Bay give way to the gas fumes of cars; the blossomy seashore paths give way to pavement, concrete, and dense urban living.  >>

National Engineers Week Resources
This year's National Engineers Week runs from February 20 - 26, 2022, and Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is February 24! This year's theme is Reimagining the Possible. We have collected several resources to engage your students in engineering themes and challenges. You can find these posted in the Mission EARTH Engineering Connections/Engineering Resources folder (https://www.globe.gov/web/mission-earth/overview/engineering_connections/engineering-resources).  >>

Welcoming Sara Feit to GME
The Boston University GLOBE Mission EARTH group welcomes Sara Feit as a Research Scientist and Project Manager. Sara has a BA in Environmental Studies and in Health: Science, Society & Policy, from Brandeis, and is finishing online and part-time a MS in Environmental Sciences & Policy from Johns Hopkins. Previously Sara was a Lead Teacher, then Manager of Operations, and then Director of Operations for PUDDLESTOMPERS Nature Exploration in Newton from 2016-21. Sara brings a wealth of experience to the group and looks forward to working with the rest of GLOBE Mission EARTH!  >>

View GLOBE Mission EARTH's newest video about our work!
Check out GLOBE Mission EARTH's latest short (1.5min) video highlighting our work! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJQvRT4M5Ow  >>

GME Staff Discuss UHIE Project and Land Cover app with St. Peter's students
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) Staff members Sara Mierzwiak and Dr. Yitong Jiang virtually visited Janene Smith's students at St. Peter's School in Mansfield, OH to talk about their ongoing research project into the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) and to learn about the GLOBE Observer App's Land Cover section. Dr. Jiang gave a presentation about land cover/land use (LCLU) and instructed students on the use of the Land Cover part of the GLOBE Observer App. Sara Mierzwiak and Dr. Jiang both answered student questions about the class' ongoing research project into the UHIE around their school. The students are actively collecting surface temperature, air temperature and clouds data around their school grounds. During the meeting, all of the participants went outside and used the GLOBE Observer App to record photos of the land cover around their environments. Some screenshots of the visit can be viewed below, including a map of the photos the group recorded for land cover.  >>

Webinar Recording Available! Tech Tools Webinar for Studying the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE), from November 10th at 7pm ET:
ICYMI! The recording is now available for this webinar! Tech Tools Webinar for Studying the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) View the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3RpPjtdTyw Webinar Alert! November 10th at 7pm ET! Tech Tools Webinar for Studying the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) Date: November 10, 2021 Time: 7:00-8:00 pm ET Join GME and My NASA Data to learn about NASA interactive models, storymaps, and other resources to help you engage students in exploring the Urban Heat Island Effect. Presenter: Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Langley Education Specialist  >>