

Entries with Primary Audience Alumni .

On May 1, 2021, I did a lot of things. Most of them involved staying home, logging in to Microsoft Teams for virtual school, and doing my homework. Little did I know that my life would change that very evening. I logged off from school and opened Outlook to check my email, and I saw it immediately: “Congratulations on your NASA virtual internship!” For the next five months, I was immersed in...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: Earth as a System Earth System Science Investigation Areas: Earth As a System Hydrosphere » Mosquitoes News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Partners Scientists Students Teachers Student Research Reports: International Virtual Science Symposium Report Mission Mosquito Report

Hello! My name is Nikita A., and I am from Chicago, Illinois. I participated in the NASA SEES Internship Program during the summer of 2022 as part of the Earth System Explorers team. Our program kicked off in the first week of June with an introductory webinar that detailed the goals for the next eight weeks. For the Earth System Explorers project, our goal was to research the harm...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: Earth System Science Investigation Areas: Hydrosphere Hydrosphere » Mosquitoes News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Partners Scientists Students Teachers Student Research Reports: International Virtual Science Symposium Report Mission Mosquito Report

You have submitted GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper observations, but are still unsure how to access and analyze that data?  This blog outlines the steps to download data into a spreadsheet, describes the data found in each column, and discusses what to do with the two sets of latitude and longitude data associated with each observation. Download Data First you will need to...

Posted in: Investigation Areas: Hydrosphere Learning Activities: Earth as a System Hydrology Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Alumni Country Coordinators Student Research Reports: U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS) International Virtual Science Symposium Report Mission Mosquito Report Teacher's Guide: Document Types Document Types » Resources