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Please Welcome the 2023/2024 GLOBE Student Vloggers!
Our vloggers this year range in age from 10 to 17 years old. We are excited to work with them this year and for you to learn from them!   >>

Where is the Water: A GLOBE Observer Challenge
Join us for the entire month of May for the “Where is the Water: A GLOBE Observer Challenge.”  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect
Our topic for May will be about water and land cover during the first week of Where is the Water? A GLOBE Observer Data Challenge.  >>

GLOBE Mission Mosquito Event
Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito team on May 11 at 2 pm ET to hear from three student groups making a difference in the world through their research.  >>

2023 IVSS is a Scientific and Engineering Success! Congratulations to the Projects Selected During 2023 Earth Day Drawing
The 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) was a huge success! The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) received 253 project submissions from 1453 students in 27 countries in all six GLOBE regions.  >>

GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project: Stipends are Still Available for U.S. Educators and Pre-Service Teachers
Are you looking for new GLOBE connections? The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office has enlisted the help of educators to design lessons that link GLOBE resources with the USDA Forest Service’s Natural Inquirer series of readers.  >>

IVSS Judging Deadline Extended
Judges, if you still have not received an email from us, please contact us at  Meanwhile, we have extended the deadline for submitting your judging results to 11 April to allow for time lost.  >>

April 2023 GLOBE Tech Update
The tech team is working through a number of enhancements that are scheduled to go into effect near Earth Day.  >>

GLOBE Students/Teachers: Join the 25 April GLOBE International STEM Network Social Hour on 25 April – Get Your Questions Answered!
GLOBE teachers and students: You are invited to attend the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) “social hour” on Tuesday, 25 April, at 11:00 a.m. EDT (09:00 a.m. MDT). Your questions will be answered by GISN members!  >>

GLOBE Student Vloggers Update
The 2022/2023 GLOBE Student Vloggers met virtually in March for their last official meeting together. They will meet again one last time in April to celebrate their accomplishments and to receive their certificates. Keep tuning in to the YouTube channel as new episodes from the vloggers are released.  >>