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What’s Your GLOBE Story? Learn the Difference Between GLOBE Star, STEM, and Community Profile Stories – and Share Your Story Today!
Calling all GLOBE community members! Is it time to share your GLOBE story? There are many ways to inspire, educate, collaborate, and share how The GLOBE Program has enhanced your educational and scientific journey.  >>

Interested in Presenting at the GLOBE Observer Connection-Conversation-Celebration Event on 26 July? Apply by 19 June
If you are interested in presenting at GO C3 (ages 13 and up only), apply by 19 June 2022 by creating a short video (up to four minutes long) explaining how GLOBE influences your life.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercoolers On Hold for Summer
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: The weekly U.S. GLOBE Watercoolers are on hold until September.  >>

Today (14 June) Webinar: “Highlighting GLOBE Argentina Student Research of Tree Height Land Cover, and Riverside Environments in Junín de Los Andes and La Rioja"
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will be hosting the webinar: “Highlighting GLOBE Argentina Student Research of Tree Height Land Cover, and Riverside Environments in Junín de Los Andes and La Rioja (Region Focus: Latin America and Caribbean)” on Tuesday, 14 June, at 02:00 p.m. EDT (03:00 p.m. Argentina Time; 06:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

Today (09 June) GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Mosquito Traps”
The GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) webinar, “Mosquito Traps,” will be held on Thursday, 09 June, at 02:00 p.m. EDT (06:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Today (09 June) Watercooler “GLOBE Virtual Trainings”
In this Watercooler Todd Toth, NASA Goddard, will share planning and delivery of GLOBE virtual training used in local and international GLOBE training sessions. Topics include knowing your audience, which protocols work best, presentation methods, timing, participant involvement and follow up.  >>

Your Help Finding Mosquito Breeding Sites in Old Tires is Needed! Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito “Spare Tire Blitz” (March-June 2022)
In a recent blog, Dr. Russanne Low (Science Lead for the GO MHM and senior scientist with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies in Arlington, Virginia, USA) discussed the Spare Tire Blitz, “During the blitz, scientists are asking for your Mosquito Habitat Mapper observations. With this information, scientists will be able to document where female mosquitoes are using spare or discarded tires as breeding sites.”  >>

Fifteen Countries Celebrate Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in June
Congratulations to the 15 GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of June.  >>

March Urban Heat Island Intensive Observation Period Summary
GLOBE completed another great month of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) in March 2022. In all, 107 schools participated, and 1,699 observations were contributed throughout the month.  >>

GLOBE Implementation Office Closed Monday, 30 May, for Memorial Day Observance
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO), including the Community Support Team, will be closed on Monday, 30 May, in observance of the United States Memorial Day.  >>