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GLOBE Implementation Office Closed 31 December for Seasonal Holidays
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO), including the Community Support Team, will be closed on Friday, 31 December, for the seasonal holidays.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Sophomores/Juniors: 2022 Summer Internship Opportunity in STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Program – Applications Due 15 March
The United States GLOBE program is accepting applications for a GLOBE intern at the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) 2022 Summer High School Intern Program. This opportunity is open to U.S. GLOBE high school Sophomores and Juniors. Applications are due 15 March 2022.  >>

U.S. High School Student in 2021 SEES Intern Program Shares Experiences Using Mosquito Habitat Mapper
U.S. high school students participating in a collaboration effort between The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the NASA Texas Space Grant Consortium (TSGC) to extend the TSGC Summer Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Internship program are sharing their research experiences using The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper (MHM) via GLOBE’s “Community Blog.”  >>

GLOBE Teachers, Partners, Country Coordinators, and GISN Members: Please Complete the GLOBE Annual Survey by 17 January
In mid-December, links to the GLOBE Annual Survey were sent to GLOBE teachers, partners, country coordinators, and members of the GLOBE International STEM Network and the GISN. The deadline for returning the survey is 17 January.  >>

2021 Autumn European Phenology Campaign Wrap-Up
The 2021 Autumn European Phenology Campaign, which began in September 2021, has concluded. Overall, 2,400 students and 151 schools from 19 countries participated!  >>

GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign Update
The October 2021 GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign wrapped up, with over 1,200 observations submitted from 43 schools. Over 50 percent of the data was submitted in the final two weeks of December.  >>

Keeping Up with GLOBE’s DEI Blogs? Read New Blog “World Braille Day: Celebrating with GLOBE Observer Tactile Activity”
Check out the most recent Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) blog, “World Braille Day: Celebrating with GLOBE Observer Tactile Activity,” written by Rosalba Giarratano.  >>

Learn the Difference Between GLOBE Star, STEM, and Community Profile Stories – Sharing Your Story Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Calling all GLOBE community members! Is it time to share your GLOBE story? There are many ways to inspire, educate, collaborate, and share how The GLOBE Program has enhanced your educational and scientific journey.  >>

U.S. Undergraduate/Grad Students: Applications for SOARS Internship (Boulder, Colorado) in Atmosphere or Related Science Due 01 February
U.S. undergraduate/graduate students (U.S. citizens or green card holders): Applications for SOARS (Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science) 2021 summer internship program are due 01 February.  >>

GLOBE Student Vloggers to Become “Investigative Reporters” During NASA GLOBE Clouds Challenge 2022
The GLOBE Student vloggers have been asked by NASA scientist and the GLOBE Clouds Science Lead, Marilé Colón Robles, to become investigative reporters as part of the upcoming NASA GLOBE Clouds Challenge 2022 (15 January to 15 February).  >>