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Now is a Great Time to Create/Join a “GLOBE Team”
GLOBE Community: If you are a GLOBE account holder, now is a great time for you to create and join teams of people, called “GLOBE Teams,” which will enable you to track your group’s data-collection efforts. GLOBE Teams can be used to set up a competition, coordinate a community’s citizen science efforts, support an educational or corporate initiative, or simply enable a group of people to work together.  >>

U.S. K-12 Teachers: Deadline to Apply for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Semester, Cycle 2, is Today (11 May)
U.S. K-12 Teachers: Applications for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Short-Term Program for U.S. Teachers (Fulbright DAST), Cycle 2, is 11 May – for projects taking place between October 2020 and May 2021.  >>

Forbes Article, “6 Resources To Teach Kids About Weather and Climate During the Coronavirus Shutdown” Highlights GLOBE Resources
A recent article “6 Resources To Teach Kids About Weather And Climate During the Coronavirus Shutdown,” written by Marshall Shepherd and published in Forbes on 02 April, highlights GLOBE program resources available now for students studying from home.  >>

Today (07 May) Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Meet Up and Do Science – Mosquito Menagerie”
On Thursday, 07 May, at 2:00 p.m. EDT (7:00 p.m. UTC), GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) will be hosting a webinar, “Meet Up and Do Science – Mosquito Menagerie.”  >>

New “GLOBE Publications” Page! Search for Publications via Select Filters and Suggest Publications To Be Added
Thanks to the GLOBE Community Support Team (CST), the “new and improved” GLOBE publications page is up and running on the GLOBE website!  >>

GLOBE, NOAA, and “NASA At Home” Resources for Teachers and Students
The GLOBE Program would like to point out a few resources for teachers and students seeking innovative and exploratory learning adventures.  >>

2020 GLOBE Annual Meeting Update – Registration Remains Suspended
GLOBE is investigating options to potentially postpone the Annual Meeting. We are actively working with funding agencies and partners to determine our course of action. At this point meeting registration will remain suspended. We will provide updates as they become available.  >>

Share How GLOBE Has Impacted You in the New “Community Spotlight” Feature!
GLOBE would like to place a “spotlight” on you and your “GLOBE Story.” The goal is to share the stories of how working with GLOBE has impacted you – in your learning endeavors, classroom activities, scientific research, environmental observations, STEM career, and your overall journey of life.  >>

GISN Accepting Early Career STEM Professionals – Paying it Forward Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is accepting early career STEM professional. This GISN subgroup consists of members who are upper-level undergraduate or master's students pursuing a degree in a STEM field, as well as recent graduates who are working in STEM fields who have less than five years’ experience.  >>

Tomorrow (05 May) Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Webinar “New Jersey Pinelands: The Nation’s First National Preservation Area”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “New Jersey Pinelands: The Nation’s First National Preservation Area,” will be held on Tuesday, 05 May, at 2:00 p.m. EDT (6:00 p.m. UTC).  >>