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05 June is World Environment Day – Join #GenerationRestoration
The theme of this year’s World Environment Day, 05 June, is “Ecosystem Restoration.” World Environment Day is the United Nation’s most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. Since it began in 1974, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.  >>

GLOBE Offers New Air Quality Protocol Bundle
The GLOBE Program Science Working Group has created a new GLOBE protocol bundle focusing on air quality.  >>

Journey Along with GLOBE’s New Student Vloggers
Have you been following along with GLOBE’s 12 new Student Vloggers (video bloggers)? Vlog-style videos are filmed, in part, “selfie-style” in order to help you journey along with our intrepid explorers as they experience the world of GLOBE.  >>

GLOBE Community: Are You a “GLOBE Star?” Share Your Story – Inspiration Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Are you a GLOBE Star? GLOBE Stars are stories of projects, people and extraordinary activities being conducted around the world in connection to GLOBE. These are our GLOBE Stars, the bright lights that spark our imagination and inspire us with news of GLOBE at work in the world. If so, GLOBE wants to hear all about it! Send your story of people, projects, or activities to share on the GLOBE website.  >>

Keeping Up with GLOBE Star Stories? Read About Our Latest Star!
Have you been keeping up with the latest GLOBE Star Stories? GLOBE Stars are stories of projects, people and extraordinary activities being conducted around the world in connection to GLOBE. These GLOBE Stars are the bright lights that spark our imagination and inspire us with news of GLOBE at work in the world.  >>

20 May is Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which takes place on 20 May this year, is a global event that shines a light on digital access and inclusion for people with disabilities. Do you know what “Alt Text” is? It is a description of an image that allows people who are blind or visually impaired to hear what the image is.  >>

U.S. High School Student Shares “Life-Changing” Experience in New Blog: “Reflections of a SEES Mosquito Mapper Intern”
Rahil V., a U.S. high school student from Maryland, who was part of the 2020 STEM Enhancement in the Earth Sciences (SEES) Mosquito Habitat Mapper summer research intern cohort, shares his experience in a recent blog: “Reflections of a SEES Mosquito Mapper Intern.”  >>

GLOBE Community: Check Out Tutorial on How to Create a Blog Post – Sharing Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Community Support Team (CST) has recorded a demonstration on how to create a blog post.  >>

Join in the 2021 Community Trees Challenge: Science is Better Together –The Adventure Continues through 15 May
The 2021 Community Trees Challenge, where “Science is Better Together, which began on 15 April, continues through 15 May! The GLOBE Program is asking citizen scientists to observe, learn, engage, and create as they track their progress on the Trees Challenge activity tracker. You can choose the best journey for your interests or try to complete all the activities. Work together as a family, as a group of friends, or independently.  >>

Today (13 May) GLOBE Mission Mosquito Webinar: “New Digital Tools for Fighting Mosquito-borne Diseases”
On Thursday, 13 May, at 02:00 p.m. EDT (06:00 p.m. UTC), you are invited to join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) webinar: “New Digital Tools for Fighting Mosquito-borne Diseases.”  >>