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GLOBE Teachers: Have You Used the Advanced Teacher’s Guide Search Tool? Searching Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Search Tool allows you to search the entire Teacher’s Guide using several different search parameters.  >>

How Can a GLOBE Bootcamp Foster STEM Learning? Find out!
Want to know how a GLOBE five-day intensive U.S. partner “bootcamp” training can foster STEM learning? Then read a blog from someone who was there – Liz Soper!  >>

Register Now for the Next (13 June) GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign Webinar: “Using El Niño GLOBE Data for Scientific Research”
Register today for the next GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign Webinar: “Using El Niño GLOBE Data for Scientific Research.” This webinar will begin at 8:00 p.m. EDT 13 June (12 a.m. 14 June UTC).  >>

GLOBE Community: Learn How to Purchase Equipment for GLOBE Protocols – GLOBE Measurements Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: A number of instruments, supplies, and pieces of equipment are needed to conduct the GLOBE measurement protocols properly. Many of these can be purchased from suppliers while some can be made by students or individuals in the school community. Probes can be used for GLOBE protocols, and there is a list available from Vernier on the website. Check it out today and start measuring!  >>

May 2016 GLOBE News Brief
May 2016 GLOBE News Brief  >>

Letter to the Community
Letter to the Community  >>

GLOBE/Eco-Schools Summer Online Training
Want to engage your students in Green STEM? GLOBE, Eco-Schools, and SciStarter are preesnting an online professional development training to provide learning opportunities that are scientifically rigourous while allowing students to address sustainability through service learning. The summer session runs from 13 June through 05 August.  >>

GLOBE Announces 2017 International Virtual Science Fair
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce the 2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Fair for students around the world. With GLOBE, students learn the practices of science through hands-on investigations in their own communities, sparking their curiosity and interest in science. This often leads to inquiries that help solve real-world problems and further understanding of our global environment. Now it's time for your students to show the world what they've learned!  >>

Need Help Making GLOBE Work for You? We’ve Got Your Back!
If you ever need help making The GLOBE Program work for you, you only need to remember one thing: GLOBE’s Community Support Team has your back! Just send us an email at  >>

GLOBE Community: Advanced Data Access Tool – Searching Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The Advanced Data Access Tool allows you to find and retrieve GLOBE data using several different search parameters.  >>