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03/01/2013 - 03/31/2013
GLOBE Phenology and Climate Project
Plants are flowering faster than climate change models predict, according to a recent BBC report that was lartely based on results published in the journal Nature. Longer growing seasons may affect insects, allergens, animal migrations and may mean the need for more water -- to name a few of the potential impacts. Students can now take a leadership role in researching how seasonal patterns are changing while learning about the important relationship between plants and climate by taking part in the Student Climate Research Campaign's (SCRC) GLOBE Phenology and Climate Project.  >>

01/01/2013 - 01/31/2013
Climate and Land Cover Project
The Climate and Land Cover Intensive Observing Period is a research effort between GLOBE schools and climate scientists to improve land cover classifications for climate models. Using GLOBE land cover protocols, students take photographs and classify representative land cover areas near their schools and upload these data to the GLOBE database. These data can be used by students to compare land cover around the world and will be used by scientists to improve land cover classifications for climate models.  >>

09/01/2012 - 12/31/2013
GLOBE Phenology and Climate Project
Students can now take a leadership role in researching how seasonal patterns are changing while learning about the important relationship between plants and climate. Engage them in the Student Climate Research Campaign's (SCRC) new GLOBE Phenology and Climate Project.  >>

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