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2020 Near East and North Africa Virtual Regional Meeting



2020 Near East and North Africa Virtual Regional Meeting


Dear students, teachers, scientists, GLOBE partners, and members,


We are very excited to announce that The Near East and North Africa GLOBE Regional Meeting for the year 2020 is finally here!! Due to the unfortunate pandemic that has been going for almost a year now, we have decided that the regional meeting will take place virtually online. The event will take place from 2 to 5 December of the year 2020



Since the meeting is taking place virtually this year, we encourage everyone to attend this regional meeting, as many members weren't able to attend past regional meetings for various reasons.

Details and a copy of the final agenda can be found here.


We look forward to seeing you all, stay safe, and don't forget to mark your calendars!!!   


For any further questions,



Videos submitted by students for the student competition:













Presentations submitted by speakers:


1) Ms. Noura Subaie

2) Mr. Khaled Shaloubi

Presentation link

3) Mr. Imad Alhatroushi:

The role and impact of the GLOBE program on student performance

4) Students from the UAE (Ramel Co):


5) Ms. Hanan Alhadidi:

The reality of implementing the globe program from the viewpoint of students & teachers in the Sultanate of Oman

6) Kuwait GLOBE team:

Developments and issues related to the GLOBE program in Kuwait 

Event Topics: Meetings

Events origin: Near East and North Africa
