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U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler Welcome Back!
Join Jennifer Bourgeault, U.S. Country Coordinator, to kick off the Watercooler season. We are looking forward to a great lineup of topics this year, but we want to hear from you: please bring your topic ideas to this Watercooler!   >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 29 March 2021
Join us at our first Women's History Month GLOBE Watercooler!  >>

05/15/2020 - 05/17/2020
15-17 May: U.S. Southwest Regional SRS
Teachers, students, U.S. Partners, scientists and alumni from the Southwest region (AZ, CO, KS, NM, OK, TX, UT) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Southwest Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

05/08/2020 - 05/10/2020
08-10 May: U.S. Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional SRS
Teachers, students, U.S. partners, scientists, and alumni from the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region (DE, DC, CT, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, VA, WV) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

05/07/2020 - 05/09/2020
07-09 May: U.S. Southeast Regional SRS
Teachers, students, U.S. partners, scientists, and alumni from the Southeast region (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, and Puerto Rico) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Southeast Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

05/01/2020 - 05/03/2020
01-03 May: U.S. Midwest Regional SRS
Teachers, students, U.S. partners, scientists, and alumni from the Midwest region (OH, MI, WI, IL, IN, WI, MO, IA, MN)) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Midwest Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

05/01/2020 - 05/02/2020
01-02 May: U.S. Pacific Regional SRS
Teachers, students, U.S. partners, scientists, and alumni from the Pacific Region (California, Hawaii, Nevada) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Pacific Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants  >>