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GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) Now Accepting Early Career STEM Professionals
The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is now accepting early career STEM professional. This GISN subgroup will consist of members who are upper-level undergraduate or master's students pursuing a degree in a STEM field, as well as recent graduates who are working in STEM fields who have less than five years’ experience.  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Check out These IVSS-related Blogs – Help is a Click Away!
Are you and your students participating in the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)? Then you may want to check out these IVSS-related blogs (posted over the last few months on the Community Blog page). Help for some of your questions may be just a click away!  >>

New Aerosols (Atmosphere) eTraining Now Live!
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce that a new “Protocol Training Aerosols” is now live! Aerosols are mixtures of liquid or solid particles in a gas. Despite their small size, aerosols have a significant impact on climate and health.  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Looking for a Research Project for the IVSS? Consider the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Data Set!
GLOBE Teachers: Are you and your students looking for a last-minute idea for a research project for the GLOBE 2018 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)? Or just some interesting data to explore? Then you might want to consider the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse data set!  >>

Connect with Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and NASA Astronaut Joe Acaba in Space: 07 February
On 07 February (9 to 11:00 a.m. ET), Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) and NASA Astronaut Joe Acaba will link directly with Peace Corps from the International Space Station and answer questions from around the world about STEM and life in space. The conversation will be broadcast live on NASA TV.  >>

GLE Ireland Early Bird Registration Ends 01 February
Thursday, 01 February, is the last day to register for the Early Bird rate for the GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) that will take place in Ireland from 01-06 July 2018. Save $25 per person by registering early.  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Check Out Peace Corps and STEM – Events, Activities, and Resources!
GLOBE Teachers (K-12), need assistance and support with STEM-related lesson plants, activities, and general information? Committed to creating opportunities in STEM education and careers, The Paul D. Coverdell World Wise Schools program and educators are finding ways to focus on this transformation in the 21st century. For a current listing of events, activities, and resources to engage your learners, click here.  >>

GLOBE Community: GLOBE Materials Available in Multiple Languages – Comprehension Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Many GLOBE materials have been translated, and are available, in multiple languages. This includes translations of the Teacher’s Guide, Elementary GLOBE, and GLOBE resouces.  >>

GLOBE Community: Having Issues Updating the Mobile Data Entry App? Send Pending Data First – Data Collection Data Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Have you been experiencing issues with updating GLOBE’s Data Entry App forms? All you need to do is send your pending data first – then you will be able to update the forms – ensuring that your vital field data is being collected appropriately.  >>

U.S. Teachers: What is a U.S. Student Research Symposium? Watch this Video and Find Out!
U.S. Teachers: What is the 2018 United States Student Research Symposia (SRS)? Why should you bring your students to one? Is it the same as a Science Fair? Watch this two-minute video and learn more about the SRS. Or read this flyer, which explains it all!  >>