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U.S. Department of State Issues Open Call for U.S. Scientists to Serve as Authors/Editors on IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
The U.S. Department of State seeks nominations for U.S. scientists with requisite expertise to serve as Lead Authors or Review Editors on the Working Group I, II, and III contributions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).  >>

U.S. Community: Register for 2018 Regional Student Research Symposia Informational Webinar on 25 September
Register Today for U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) informational webinar on 25 September. The webinar will be held at 3:00 p.m. EDT.  >>

Obama Foundation Fellowship Program Seeking Civic Innovators from Around the World
The Obama Foundation Fellowship program is seeking to support outstanding civic innovators from around the world in order to amplify the impact of their work and to inspire a wave of civic innovation. The inaugural class of 20 Fellows will be integral to shaping the program and the community of Fellows for future years. Applications close 06 October at 6:00 p.m. CT.  >>

Register Today for GLOBE Mission EARTH Webinar on 26 September: “Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign and Results of the Surface Temperature Changes During the Solar Eclipse”
Register today for the first GLOBE Mission EARTH webinar on 26 September: “Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign and Results of the Surface Temperature Changes during the Solar Eclipse.”  >>

U.S. Texas Juniors: NASA’s High School Aerospace Scholars Application is Now Open
NASA’s High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) application is now open. This is aone-of-a-kind experience for Texas high school students to explore the possibilities of a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related major or career.  >>

The Enhanced GLOBE Visualization System is Now Live
A visualization system with an improved interface optimized for phone and tablet viewing is now available  >>

U.S. Community: National Assessment Governing Board Seeking Qualified Candidates – Make a Difference in Education, Join the Board!
The National Assessment Governing Board – a diverse group of leaders from multiple sectors that sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card—is seeking qualified candidates for five positions. Make a difference in education, join the board! Deadline is 31 October, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.  >>

Phase III of the ENSO Campaign “Water in Our Environment” Has Begun!
We are proud to announce Phase III of the GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign: “Water in Our Environment."  >>

Teachers: Join the GLOBE Program – Register Today for a GLOBE Teacher Training Workshop in Your Area
Connect your students to an international network of students, teachers, and scientists to learn more about our shared environment. For a school to fully participate in The GLOBE Program, at least one teacher must be trained in GLOBE science measurement protocols and education activities by attending a GLOBE Teacher Workshop.  >>

Teachers: Check out These Tips/Resources for Your Classrooms – GLOBE Across the Curriculum Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE Teachers: If you haven’t visited “GLOBE Across the Curriculum” pages on the GLOBE website lately, you may want to check out the tips and resources available to you!  >>