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Today (13 August) Mission Mosquito Webinar: “Mosquito Mappers Research Showcase: SEES Summer High School Interns 2020”
On Thursday, 13 August, at 2:00 p.m. ET (7:00 p.m. UTC), GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) will be hosting a webinar, “Mosquito Mappers Research Showcase: SEES Summer High School Interns 2020.”  >>

2020 Community Cloud Challenge is On! Check Out 13 August NASA Presentation
The 2020 Community Cloud Challenge: Science is Better is on! To find out ways you can participate in this event, check out a recent GLOBE Community Blog, written by Marilé Colón Robles (lead for the GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA's Langley Research Center) providing details on how to participate, how to take cloud and sky observations, the schedule of weekly cloud scientist videos, and more!  >>

GLOBE Implementation Office (Boulder, Colorado, USA) Seeks Assistant Director
The GLOBE Implementation Office has posted a new position, that of Assistant Director. Over the last number of years, the growth in The GLOBE Program has increased the number of tasks for the director. In order to re-organize the work, and allow future developments to occur, it was decided that a new position of assistant director should be created.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Weekly (Friday) Watercoolers Continue through 18 September
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: The Friday Watercoolers will continue to take place through 18 September. Each meet-up will begin at 3:10 ET with a brief update from U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault, and will proceed with a presentation or two from a GLOBE teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following. (And, if there is time: GLOBE Trivia!)  >>

Today (06 August): 2020 Community Cloud Challenge NASA Presentation/Activity
The 2020 Community Cloud Challenge: Science is Better is on! To find out ways you can participate in this event, check out a recent GLOBE Community Blog, written by Marilé Colón Robles (lead for the GLOBE Clouds Team at NASA's Langley Research Center) providing details on how to participate, how to take cloud and sky observations, the schedule of weekly cloud scientist videos, and more!  >>

Today (04 August) Webinar “Preparing for Year 3 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “Preparing for Year 3 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign, Student Research Scaffolding, and Highlighting the Use of Online Tools,” will be held on Wednesday, 04 August, at 11:00 p.m. EDT (3:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

NASA’s Summer of Citizen Science Event Series Continues in August
You are invited to “attend” NASA’s virtual event series, “Summer of Citizen Science.” The series, which began in May, will continue through 30 September 2020. These live, 90-minute, events will be hosted by Sarah Kirn, and will occur every other Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. ET.  >>

Ten Countries Celebrate Their Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in August
Congratulations to the ten GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of August.  >>

GLOBE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce Presents Initial Action Plan at 2020 GLOBE Virtual Meeting
During the 2020 GLOBE Virtual Meeting, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force presented the proposed GLOBE definitions for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the “Mission” and “Vision” of these efforts, as well as an initial Action Plan. A community-wide survey will be sent out soon to gather additional feedback on these statements and plans.  >>

Read New Community Blog “Using NASA and GLOBE data to Predict Outbreaks of Disease!”
Have you read the latest GLOBE Community Blog: “Using NASA and GLOBE data to Predict Outbreaks of Disease!” written by NASA Science Educator Dorian Wood Janney?  >>