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Space is Filling up Fast! Register Soon for the 2020 GLOBE Virtual Annual Meeting!
If you are interested in participating in the 2020 GLOBE Virtual Annual Meeting, a completely online meeting that will take place from 13-16 July, you must register as soon as possible to avoid being placed on the waiting list. Space is filling up fast!  >>

Eight Countries Celebrate Their Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in July
Congratulations to the eight GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of July.  >>

The 2020 North America Regional Meeting (NARM) Goes Virtual
The North America Regional Office and the North America Regional Meeting (NARM) Committee has decided that the NARM, which will be held in October 2020, will now be a virtual meeting.  >>

Today (19 June): U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners Weekly Watercooler
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: The Friday Watercoolers will continue through the end of June (26 June). Each meet-up will begin at 3:10 ET with a brief update from U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault, and will proceed with a presentation or two from a GLOBE teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following.  >>

Coming in July: Update to GLOBE Observer App to Integrate GLOBE’s Data Entry System into GLOBE Observer
In July, GLOBE will be releasing an update to the GLOBE Observer app, which will begin to integrate GLOBE’s data entry system into GLOBE Observer. The first release will include GLOBE’s atmosphere protocols. The new system simplifies and streamlines the site creation process while presenting a new modern interface. Users will be able to create their own protocol “bundles” – combinations of protocols that you use frequently. Over the months ahead, more protocols will be added until the entire data entry system will be available in GLOBE Observer.  >>

Check Out the GLOBE Observer “Clouds Wizard”
In April, NASA's GLOBE Observer (GO) launched the new GLOBE Observer “Clouds Wizard.” application encourages citizen scientists and members of the GLOBE community to use their mobile phone to make measurements of the world around them. One component in the application supports users with the ability to photograph and identify the clouds they see in their sky.  >>

Opportunity to Share Webinars, Videos, and/or Resources During the 2020 GLOBE Virtual Annual Meeting: 13-16 July
New: GLOBE community members can share webinars, videos, and/or links to resources. Although the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is unable to host any additional meetings throughout the week, GIO can share items that do not conflict with already scheduled events.  >>

NASA GLOBE Clouds Family Guide – In English and Spanish (Guía Para Familias)
The NASA GLOBE Clouds team has put together a family guide filled with activities and resources great to do as a family from your home. (El equipo NASA GLOBE nubes ha preparado una guía para familias llena de actividades y recursos tremendas para realizar haceren family en tu hogar.)  >>

UCAR Center for Science Education’s “Special Edition: Help K-12 Students Learn About Earth from Home” Collection of Educational Resources Available
Check out this “Special Edition: Help K12 Students Learn About Earth From Home” collection of K-12 educational resources to support teachers with distance learning and families who are doing their own instructional endeavors about weather, climate, air quality, the Sun and space weather, and other Earth science topics. This collection was put together by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education, a GLOBE partner.  >>

Science Doesn’t Stop! Read New Blog “Why the GLOBE European Phenology Campaign is Awesome!”
GLOBE Community: Read the recent Community Blog written by Brian Campbell, NASA Senior Earth Science Education Specialist, “Why The GLOBE European Phenology Campaign is Awesome!”  >>