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GLOBE Community: Need a Project Collaborator? Find One Today – Collaboration Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Need a Project Collaborator? Then visit the GLOBE website and use this handy tool to find GLOBE community members who are interested in collaborating on GLOBE projects, protocols, and/or other activities!  >>

GLOBE 2019 Fall Cloud Challenge Rakes in the Observations! A Big “Thank You” to all Participants!
The GLOBE 2019 Fall Cloud Observation Challenge, which ran from 15 October through 15 November, has wrapped up. The Challenge brought in more than 45,000 observations from citizen scientists in more than 17,000 locations in 93 countries on every continent — including Antarctica.  >>

Applications Due Today (22 Nov): GLOBE’s Community Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force
The GLOBE Program is inviting anyone interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to apply to participate in a GLOBE Task Force on DEI. If you’ve ever wondered if your unique voice is being heard – and you would like to help make GLOBE a more welcoming, diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, please consider applying.  >>

In a GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Region? Apply for a Community Action Grant!
Through support from the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project, Initial Implementation Countries and collaborating countries in the three participating GLOBE regions are eligible to receive Community Action Grants. Community Action Grants can be used to carry out Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs), or other community-based projects that carry out the goals of the GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project.  >>

Today (19 Nov): Webinar on New Macroinvertebrates Tool/Website
On Tuesday, 19 November, at 2:30 p.m. EST, the National Water Quality Monitoring Council will host a webinar, “Volunteer Monitoring:” Pre-registration is required.  >>

Read New Community Blog: “Elementary Students Tackle Mosquito Vectors of Disease”
In a recent GLOBE Community Blog, Dr. Russanne (Rusty) Low, GLOBE Mission Mosquito Science Lead, presents an article on Professor Glenda Ivette Lozada Negrón, a science teacher whose elementary classroom is actively engaged in reducing the risk of mosquito-borne disease through mosquito surveillance and mitigation, as part of an ongoing service learning project in Puerto Rico.  >>

GLOBE Community: Here’s How You Upload Photos and Videos to GLOBE Webpages – Uploading Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Want to upload photos or videos to the GLOBE Website? Watch this demonstration video and learn how to upload today!  >>

Through Today (15 Nov): NASA GLOBE Clouds Fall Data Challenge: What’s Up in YOUR Sky?
The NASA GLOBE Clouds Fall Data Challenge is still on! Participants are invited to enter up to ten observations per day of clouds, dust, haze or smoke through 15 November.  >>

Getting Ready for the 2020 IVSS? Reports Due 10 March 2020!
GLOBE is excited to host the 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)! The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research and hard work.  >>

U.S. NOAA Announces Scholarship Opportunities for U.S. Undergraduates: 31 January 2020 Deadline!
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology – and supportive of the purposes of NOAA’s programs and mission. Over 100 students are selected each year for participation in the Ernest F. Hollings and Educational Partnership Program (EPP) scholarship programs.  >>