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Participating in the U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia? This Year’s Rubric Now Available Online – And Many More Resources Available!
The rubric that will be used for project review at the 2017 U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia (SRS) is now available online. The rubric is based on the GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium scoring rubric, with modifications for the poster/presentation style of the SRS.  >>

GLOBE U.S. Teachers – Read the Latest STEM Education Coalition Newsletter
Read the latest STEM Education Coalition Newsletter!  >>

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts for Annual Meeting Student Research Exhibition Extended to 01 June!
The 5th Student Research Exhibition will take place during the poster session of the 21st GLOBE Annual Meeting in New Haven Connecticut, USA. The deadline for the submission of student abstracts for the exhibition has been extended to 01 June.  >>

GLOBE Community: Here’s How You Upload Photos and Videos to GLOBE Webpages – Uploading Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Want to upload photos or videos to the GLOBE Website? Watch this demonstration video and learn how to upload today!  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Register Now for Wednesday’s (24 May) GLOBE MISSION EARTH Webinar: “Observing the Solar Eclipse on August 21”
GLOBE Teachers: Register now for the 24 May GLOBE MISSION EARTH webinar: “Observing the Solar Eclipse on August 21.” The webinar will be held at 8:00 p.m. EDT.  >>

Read the Latest GLOBE ENSO Blog – “Taking ENSO Data to the Next Level with Shumate Middle School in Gibralter, Michigan!”
Mr. Jeff Bouwman and his Shumate Middle School students in Gibralter, Michigan, USA, are NASA GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign superstars. Read the latest GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign blog written by Brian Campbell, NASA Senior Earth Science Education Specialist – and check out their two inspiring videos showing what these amazing students have been doing with their data!  >>

GLOBE Community: Is eTraining Right for You? Protocol Training Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE eTraining provides the opportunity for new and existing GLOBE users to complete science protocol training at anytime, anywhere. GLOBE eTraining consists of multiple downloadable training modules – and there are now 46 modules available – interactive digital field and lab experiences, online assessments for each module, and access to support through online discussion forums.  >>

GLOBE Teachers – Are You Ready for the Great American Eclipse Coming in August?
GLOBE teachers – there’s no doubt that you’re already well aware of the coming eclipse (21 August), but did you know that there are GLOBE science investigations that you can use with your students to enhance this amazing experience? Check them out here!  >>

GLOBE Observer App Development Team to Receive NASA Honor Award
Congratulations to the GLOBE Observer Team! Their hard work to develop and successfully launch the GLOBE Observer App has been noticed by NASA! The team is being recognized for a GROUP NASA Honor Award – for “sustained excellence in delivering critical SMD mission educational content to students and expanding it to citizen scientists.” The award will be presented to the team at the NASA Honor Ceremony at the Langley Research Center in Virginia, USA, this fall.  >>

Announcing the Student Stipends to Present Projects at the 2017 Annual Meeting
Congratulations to the students of four schools who were selected by random drawing today to receive a stipend to help defray the cost of attending the GLOBE Annual Meeting in News Haven Connecticut in New Haven this summer.  >>