
Asset Publisher

International Biomes Project 2017 Update
The first annual International Biomes Project was held in the Outeniqwa Mountains in George, South Africa, from 29 September to 01 October 2017. The event was organized in collaboration with several GLOBE stakeholders, including The South African Weather Service, Cape Nature, Cape Union Mart, and the Western Cape Education Department. The intrepid group of 34 trekkers included students, scientists, partners, and sponsors.  >>

GISN Members: New Participation Requirement Begins in 2018
GISN Members: New Participation Requirement Begins in 2018  >>

Tech Update November 2017
The GLOBE Program's homepage and organization pages are getting a makeover this month. The fresh new design and features will be unveiled on 06 November. Before this, the website will be closed for a few days.  >>

2018 IVSS Informational Webinar Recording is Available
Did you miss – or would you like to revisit – the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) informational webinar held on 25 October? The recording is available, just click here! The slides are also available, just click here!  >>

Advisory: Scheduled Downtime for 26 October 2017
Please be advised that the website will be undergoing maintenance and will be down between between 4:00 and 5:00 pm PT on Thursday, 26 October 2017.  >>

How Do You Teach Students About Water Quality? Read this GLOBE Community Blog!
How do you teach students about water quality and/or how scientists go about their work? According to a recent blog, “Researching Water Quality” posted by Dorian Wood Janney, one way is to share articles with them!  >>

What is the Quality of Water in Our Environment? Join the Discussion TODAY During the Phase III ENSO Campaign Webinar: “Water Quality”
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign science and research webinar will be held TODAY (24 October) at 5 p.m. ET (11 p.m. UTC): “Water Quality.”  >>

U.S. Teachers – Join the Science Research Symposia (SRS) Webinar “Conducting Field Investigations” TODAY
U.S. Teachers: A “Conducting Field Investigations” webinar will be held TODAY (24 October) at 7:00 p.m. ET. Whether or not you participate in the U.S. Student Research Symposia (SRS), this webinar can help you conduct field investigations with your students. During the webinar, you will see examples from past student projects and will be able to ask questions. To join the webinar, use this link.  >>

Become a Member of a GLOBE Working Group: Nominations Due 17 November
Become a member of a GLOBE Working Group! The GLOBE Program is seeking nominations for the four Working Groups: Education, Evaluation, Science, and Technology. Nominations are due by 17 November 2017. Get involved in shaping the future of The GLOBE Program!  >>

Irish EPA and An Taisce Launch GLOBE Citizen Science Initiative in Ireland
Laura Burke, Director General of Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recently announced that the EPA and An Taisce (an independent charity that works to preserve and protect Ireland’s natural and built heritage) will work together to launch a new GLOBE citizen science initiative. The initiatve is designed to monitor air quality and contribute to ongoing research with scientists in measuring levels of air pollution in Ireland.  >>