
GLOBE El Niño Student Research Campaign Webinar #10

GLOBE El Niño Student Research Campaign Webinar #10

Date: Weds. Sept. 21st, 8 to 9 pm (EST) 12 to 1 AM (UTC)

To register, click here


We have received permission to continue with the El Niño Student Research Campaign, so we are full speed ahead to another year of collaboration! This webinar will focus on exploring what scientists have already learned from their data collection and analysis about the impacts of the 2015-2016 El Niño worldwide. Then we will hear from two Thai students about the many ways in which the El Niño impacted their region. Three GLOBE teachers who collected and analyzed data last year will share some of their “Best Practices”. Brian Campbell will give us some information about what you can expect as we continue this school year. 

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