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GLOBE Announces 2024–25 Campaign – 30 Years of GLOBE: Comparing GLOBE Data Past and Present
It’s the 30th anniversary of GLOBE, and so our campaign this year revolves around comparing GLOBE data past and present. Check out the campaign details and submit an entry to our campaign logo design contest, open now!  >>

NASA Asia-AQ Talk for Asia Pacific Region -- 22 March 2024
The GLOBE Program, Asia and Pacific Region would like to invite you to the NASA Asia-AQ: Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asia Air Quality talk on 22 March 2024.  >>

GLOBE Asia-Pacific Science Festival (APSF) — 12-16 May 2024
The GLOBE Asia-Pacific Science Festival (APSF)'s theme is "Exchange Programs: Building Bridges and Inspiring Futures."  >>

Asia Pacific Region — Earth Day Poster Competition
The GLOBE Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Office proudly presents a Poster Competition focusing on two critical Earth Day topics: "Carbon and Climate" and "Planet Vs Plastics."  >>