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2018 GLOBE IVSS Upload Tool Now Available! Reports Accepted Now through 01 March!
The new upload tool for the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) is now available! Reports are being accepted now (as of 01 January) through 01 March!  >>

STEM Professional? Join the GLOBE International STEM Network – Mentoring Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is an international network of STEM professionals (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) that work with GLOBE students around the world conducting science. As an invaluable member of the GISN, you can mentor students and teachers, present scientific ideas, and/or collaborate on scientific research. Each relationship between a STEM professional and a GLOBE school is unique, and is determined by the STEM professional and the school.  >>

U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar (16 January) and Student Follow-up Webinar (19 January): “Classroom Career Connections”
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar (Tuesday, 16 January/8 p.m. EST) and student follow-up webinar (Friday, 19 January, 01 p.m. EST): “Classroom Career Connections.”  >>

GLOBE Teachers! Learn to Gather, Map, Analyze, and Communicate Your Data Results in ArcGIS Online – Read This Blog!
GLOBE Community – Make your data meaningful! Read the latest blog written by Dr. Joseph Kerski, Education Manager at Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute, an international supplier of geographic information system software): “Mapping and Analyzing Data from The GLOBE Program in ArcGIS Online.”  >>

U.S. Community: 2018 Student Research Symposia Webinar 24 January: “Writing Conclusions” – Also: SRS Rubrics Now Available Online!
SRS Webinar: “Writing Conclusions” will be held on Wednesday, 24 January at 7:00 p.m. ET. How can your students make sense of all those data sheets once you get them back to the classroom? Join Dr. David Bydlowski, the Midwest SRS Lead, to discuss writing conclusions, see student examples, and ask your questions.  >>

WANTED: Teacher and Student Presenters for February, March, and April 2018 ENSO SODA Webinars
Participating in the Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign? Then, as you know, as part of the campaign, there have been data collection events each month that focus on Short Observation and Data Analysis (SODA). Following these data collection events, students and teachers are welcome to present at a SODA webinar.  >>

Join the Next ENSO Campaign Science and Collaboration Webinar 09 January: “Water in Far Asia and the Pacific”
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign science and research webinar will be held on 09 January at 9:00 a.m. EST (2:00 p.m. UT/9:00 p.m. Thailand): “Water in Far Asia and the Pacific.”  >>

Miss an ENSO Phase III Science and Research or SODA Webinar? Recorded Versions Are Available! Next Webinar 09 January!
Have you missed a Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign Science and Research webinar or a Short Observation and Data Analysis (SODA) webinar? They are all being recorded and archived – for you to watch at your convenience. Just click here!  >>

2018 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Killarney, Ireland: Call for Presentations
Presentation applications are now being accepted for the 2018 GLOBE Annual Meeting, which will be taking place on 01 July 2018 in Killarney, Ireland. All presentations at the Annual Meeting will be oral presentations (no posters this year!).  >>

Call Out for GLOBE Publications – See Your Data in Action!
Did you publish about GLOBE data in 2017 – or would you like to learn what the GLOBE community published in 2017? See your data in action!  >>