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Regional Meeting 2014 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Regional Meeting of the GLOBE LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) was held on the 27th and 28th of June 2014. The meeting was opened on the first day by María del Carmen Simone de Grimaux, Director of the Regional GLOBE Office in Argentina and Maria Marta Daneri, Country Coordinator of GLOBE Argentina. María del Carmen welcomed the officials attending the meeting from the Argentinian government and US Embassy. An official from CONAI gives a presentation, after which Tony Murphy, Director of GLOBE, joins the meeting virtually. The meeting continues with presentations by the Country Coordinators present, starting with Uruguay, followed by Suriname, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador and Costa Rica. The second day of the regional meeting is dedicated completely to a website training by Mr. Cornell Lewis from Raytheon, the company having developed the GLOBE website. At 5pm on Saturday, with a wrap up by Director Simone de Grimaux, and appointment of the standing cie members, the meeting was closed. 

type: globe-news

News origin: Suriname
