
8 September 2022 - Snippets and Activities - U.S. Coordination Office

"When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength, and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you."- Ruby Bridges

Happy Fall GLOBE community! The leaves are starting to change color here in New Hampshire and the U.S. Coordination Office has compiled all the GLOBE resources you need to study green-down! Let us know if we forgot anything!

  • Evaluation Working Group Monthly Meeting Summary (NA Representative, Dr. Eleanor Jaffee):

    • The GIO is currently working with an external evaluation team on a comprehensive evaluation plan for GLOBE. As the members of the Evaluation Working Group are more connected with the GLOBE community in our work, we will have an opportunity to review the plan and provide feedback on its content and on-the-ground implementation.

    • We are excited that the results of our 2019 Alumni Survey have contributed to important conversations about the current and potential role of GLOBE alumni. In the year ahead, we will consider how the group can continue to inform alumni activities.

  • Good Reads and Videos:

    • Weaving Indigenous knowledge into the scientific method: Scientists and funders with close links to local communities outline how Western teams can collaborate fairly and effectively with those groups.

    • A page of resources re: Indigenous Learning

    • The new SkySci for Kids website is designed to provide children ages 5-10 with playful avenues for learning about weather, climate change, and related atmospheric science topics.

    • Surprisingly STEM: Marine Biologists @NASA Kennedy: Biologists share how their ecological work contributes to the agency’s larger mission and how they personally ended up on a boat in the Florida wetlands doing exciting work for NASA!

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