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U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: 04 Nov 2021

Join GLOBE Partner Peder Nelson (College of Earth, Ocean, Atmospheric Sciences - Oregon State University) to get to know your Landsat-based Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) for understanding the dynamic story of your place. This hands-on presentation will tie together the MyNASAData Cause & Effect mini lesson (Secret life of forests) then move to a hands-on exploration & data literacy activity applying what is learned in the mini-lesson to their place in order to visualize yearly 1984-2020 land cover changes modeled by CEOAS-GLOBE Partner director Dr. Robert Kennedy & USFS partners. A connection with the GLOBE Observer land cover, trees, and clouds data will be made. What are the cause and effects of landscape changes in your community?

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Event Topics: Meetings

Events origin: United States of America
