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NASA Goddard GLOBE Webinar

NASA GLOBE Program Webinar November 15th, 6:00pm

The NASA Goddard GLOBE Partnership, sponsored by the Office of Education, will offer a webinar for anyone in the GLOBE Community and Citizen Scientists worldwide. GLOBE – Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment – is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide the opportunity to participate in data collection to contribute to our understanding of the Earth System and global environment.

The Webinar will cover the ICESat-2 mission, the GLOBE Tree Height Measurement Campaign and the Elementary GLOBE K-4 book on Climate. All three of these topics center on measurement and changes in our climate. Information about the ICESat-2 mission will be presented. Teachers and students will learn how to get involved in the Tree Height Measurement Campaign. The What in the World is Happening to our Climate? book highlights the difference between weather and climate, regional and global climate and climate change. Examples of hands-on activities will also be presented.

While the presentations are primarily aimed at educators, information on GLOBE Citizen Science Apps will also be presented. This one hour presentation will be recorded and archived for those interested but not able to attend. Please register to participate in this event:

Event Topics: Campaigns and Projects (IOPs, etc) type: globe-events

Events origin: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
