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Mission SnowGLOBE webinar for STUDENTS and EDUCATORS
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office invites you and your students to participate in Mission SnowGLOBE starting in January 2023 to collect measurements during snow events to assist the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign.  At this webinar for Educators and Students, join IMPACTS Principal Investigator, Dr. Lynn McMurdie, to learn the science behind the mission, opportunities to talk with pilots and scientists, example student research questions.  >>

Join Mission SnowGLOBE! Informational Webinar for Educators and Partners
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office invites you and your students to participate in Mission SnowGLOBE starting in January 2023 to collect measurements during snow events to assist the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign.  At this webinar for Educators and Partners, join IMPACTS Principal Investigator, Dr. Lynn McMurdie, to learn about the project, why the data are important, and how to participate.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: Solar Eclipses
Two solar eclipses are about to happen across the US and there are new ideas to collect clouds, air temperature, and wind information. We want to hear from you how to brainstorm ideas on how to collect data and conduct investigations around the eclipses. Kristen Weaver, Holli Kohl, and Marile Colon Robles will lead the conversation.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: Solar Suitcases and GLOBE
Anna Gomberg (former GLOBE teacher and now with We Share Solar [WSS]) will share about Solar Suitcases and the connection to GLOBE.  >>

11/02/2022 - 11/04/2022
Virtual 2022 North American Regional Meeting (NARM)
Registration for the GLOBE North American Regional Meeting (NARM) is now open! The NARM is held every year to bring together members of the U.S. GLOBE community to learn and share ideas. Each day will be structured around a different strand: (1) Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Educators (2) Collaborative Student Research: Promising Practices and Examples (3) GLOBE-Adjacent Resources.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 27 Oct 2022
Join your GLOBE Working Group North America representatives at this week's Watercooler. Hear updates on what each group is working on and meet the representatives. There will be time to ask questions as well!  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: “Telling Our Tree Stories”
In this Watercooler Dorian Janney, NASA Goddard, will present on the “Telling Our Tree Stories” project.  >>

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