
Asset Publisher

North America Phenology Campaign Webinar: Dr. Katherine Boggs
Join the next North America Phenology Campaign Webinar! This month we will be having a conversation with Dr. Katherine Boggs, Geoscientist and Associate Professor at Mount Royal University in Alberta, Canada.  >>

U.S. Weekly Watercooler: North America Phenology Campaign Educator Webinar
Join two GLOBE educators on 11 October to get tips and learn about resources to teach phenology, specifically using the GLOBE Green-Down protocol.  >>

12/07/2022 - 03/31/2023
Mission SnowGLOBE
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office invites you and your students to participate in Mission SnowGLOBE starting in January 2023! We are working in partnership with the NASA Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) field campaign to collect measurements during snow events and upload the data to the GLOBE website.  >>