
Asset Publisher

11/02/2022 - 11/04/2022
Virtual 2022 North American Regional Meeting (NARM)
Registration for the GLOBE North American Regional Meeting (NARM) is now open! The NARM is held every year to bring together members of the U.S. GLOBE community to learn and share ideas. Each day will be structured around a different strand: (1) Recruiting, Engaging and Retaining Educators (2) Collaborative Student Research: Promising Practices and Examples (3) GLOBE-Adjacent Resources.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 27 Oct 2022
Join your GLOBE Working Group North America representatives at this week's Watercooler. Hear updates on what each group is working on and meet the representatives. There will be time to ask questions as well!  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: “Telling Our Tree Stories”
In this Watercooler Dorian Janney, NASA Goddard, will present on the “Telling Our Tree Stories” project.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler Kickoff
Join Jennifer Bourgeault, U.S. GLOBE Country Coordinator, to kickoff the 2022-2023 Watercooler season with news and updates from the U.S. GLOBE Coordination Office and time for connection.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 23 June 2022
Join GLOBE Partner Peder Nelson (Oregon State University) to celebrate 50 years of Earth Observations this summer! It was July 23, 1972 that started a whole new branch of science. Let's spend some time learning about resources, activities, and ways to connect GLOBE to the generational science that the Landsat Program represents.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler - 16 Jun 2022
Learn how five GLOBE Partners (Dr. Kevin Czajkowski from the University of Toledo, Dr. Amanda Gilbert, Defiance College, Dr. Mitchell Klett from Northern Michigan University,  Dr. Michael Jabot from State University of New York at Fredonia and David Bydlowski from Wayne RESA)  in different locations around the Great Lakes transitioned from all face-to-face training professional development model to a hybrid model of local face-to-face and online Google classroom. The professional development continued in the afternoons virtually online using zoom in sessions with speakers, group interactions and teachers presenting their research projects.   >>

U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: GLOBE Virtual Trainings
In this Watercooler Todd Toth, NASA Goddard, will share planning and delivery of GLOBE virtual training used in local and international GLOBE training sessions. Topics include knowing your audience, which protocols work best, presentation methods, timing, participant involvement and follow up.  >>