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NASA Langley Lead a GLOBE Camp Pilot Summer 2019
NASA Langley lead a GLOBE Camp Pilot during the summer of 2019, interacting with camps across the United States. Each of the camps incorporated GLOBE protocols, Elementary GLOBE story books, and GLOBE learning investigations.  >>

DIY Weather Station Project Updated
The engineering group at Mission EARTH has developed an instruction manual that describes how to build an autonomous weather station. The station periodically samples and transmits data for the local air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and wind speed. It is solar powered and the data is transmitted via the local wifi network. The manual specifies all the parts, operational theory behind the measurements, and steps to construct the station (~$400 total cost).  >>

Purdue Science K-12 Outreach Hosts Summer 2019 Teacher Professional Development: Integrated STEM in the Environment
Purdue Science K-12 Outreach hosted 17 middle school and high school classroom teachers at Ross Biological Reserve in July 2019. Participating teachers were trained in Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Pedosphere, and Biosphere protocols and received GLOBE certification. Every teacher received a kit of materials to facilitate GLOBE protocols in their classroom.  >>

Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign in Full Force
The GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign for October is in full force. Students around the world have been taking surface temperature observations.  >>

GLOBE NARM Fall 2019
The TSU GLOBE Partnership was represented by Dr. David A. Padgett. The meeting program included a heavy emphasis upon diversity, equity, and inclusion in GLOBE. GLOBE CIO Lead Tony Murphy announced that the 2020 NARM will be held at New Orleans, Louisiana!  >>

Sunset at Berkeley Marina
This is sunset at the Berkeley Marina where we had an evening social event  >>

A Day in the Life of Great Lakes Tributaries
The Institute for Research in Science Teaching partnered with the New York State Department of Conservation's Reinstein Woods to conduct "A Day in the Life of the Great Lakes Tributaries."  >>

Fall North American Regional Meeting (NARM) 2019
The WestEd/UC Berkeley Partnership recently hosted the Fall 2019 North American Regional Meeting (NARM) at the University of California - Berkeley Lawrence Hall of Science. A total of 42 participants from over 30 U.S. GLOBE Partnerships and the GLOBE Country Coordinators of Canada and the U.S. attended this 3-day event. The first day, October 15th, started with a Professional Development workshop followed by the 2-day meeting.  >>

IGES attended NARM 2019
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies attended NARM 2019 at Lawrence Hall of Science. Lightning Talk on Thursday  >>

GLOBE Weather Train the Trainer Workshop
SciEd staff (John Ristvey, Becca Hatheway, Emily Snode-Brenneman, Melissa Rummel) and Julie Malmberg from the GLOBE Implementation Office hosted a two-day workshop at the Mesa Lab (September 25-26) to train GLOBE partners and a few local professional development providers in the new GLOBE Weather curriculum.  >>

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