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GLOBE and Eco-Schools: Intersections in Science and Sustainability
Q & A with GLOBE Partner Jennifer Hammonds, M.Ed. and Senior Manager of K-16 Curriculum and Instruction with National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Eco-Schools USA Program.  >>

Join the GLOBE Virtual Lakes Expedition
The U.S. GLOBE Office would like to invite you and your students to participate in an international virtual expedition that is taking place October 2-8, 2018 in several GLOBE countries around the world!  >>

Michigan students "combine science and culture" at the Ireland GLE
A local news article highlights Crestwood High School (MI) students and their experience at the 2018 Ireland GLE.  >>

2018 Northwest Student Research Symposium Highlights
The Northwest Region Student Research Symposium took place on 1-2 June 2018 at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. Hosted by GLOBE Partner Lynn Powers of the Southwest Montana Astronomical Society. 16 Students and 6 GLOBE teachers and science mentors from Montana, Alaska, South Dakota, Oregon, and Nebraska attended, with the students presenting a total of 7 GLOBE research projects in a poster presentation session. Student projects were reviewed both by their peers and by local scientists.  >>

GLOBE in the Field
Get PD in Badlands National Park doing GLOBE field studies. June 18-21.  >>

Using GLOBE for Homeschool Science Workshop
Purdue University GLOBE partnership introduces Homeschool network to GLOBE  >>

NASA and National Reading Month
March is National Reading Month in the U.S., which presents the perfect opportunity for learners to explore NASA reading material on a more personal level.  >>