
Asset Publisher

South Dakota Discovery Center Uses Land Cover Protocol to Build Watershed Resilience
The South Dakota Discovery Center is using the GLOBE Observer Land Cover protocol as part of its watershed information and outreach efforts to help watershed managers understand water quantity and water quality issues.  >>

GLOBE Schools in Texas Plan Campus Nature Walk for Earth Day
Elementary schools in Northside ISD (Texas) will use native planting sites as part of a campus nature walk on Earth Day, 2021.  >>

Contemplate, Investigate, Communicate… 
Heather Tabisola, a member of the GLOBE community since her high school years, has spent her life in and around the oceans of the world studying and observing marine life. Her career reflects the essential science skills nurtured by GLOBE, particularly collaboration and communication.  >>

Putting Citizen Science into Practice with CoCoRaHS
How does GLOBE fit in with other Citizen Science efforts? While many popular apps are available in addition to GLOBE Observer, few citizen science efforts are easily adapted to GLOBE protocols as the CoCoRaHS precipitation networks.  >>

2021 GLOBE+ Virtual Student Symposium
The GLOBE Pacific Region is gearing up for GLOBE student research projects. The 2021 GLOBE+ Virtual Student Symposium will take place on Friday afternoon, 30 April, and Saturday morning, 01 May. This event will include peer-to-peer project sharing, and student teams will have the opportunity to present their projects to scientists related to their project’s field of study.  >>

NASA Goddard Trains Teachers to Use Coding Kits and Drones to Collect Atmospheric Data
Todd Toth at NASA Goddard worked with teachers to use coding kits and drones to collect atmospheric data. Data were then analyzed and sent to The GLOBE Program.  >>

A3Sat: To Observe the Earth and Visualize the Future
GLOBE Partner John Moore describes a new project, A3Sat, which will introduce precollege students to the importance and applications of the Geosciences, as well as engineering and technology components generally not found in the K12 community.  >>

Over 30 GLOBE-related projects presented at the 2020 AGU Fall Meeting
Over 30 GLOBE-related projects were presented at the 2020 AGU Fall meeting, held virtually this year in December.  >>

Four Films Share SRS Experience Through the Eyes of Students
Experience the SRS through the eyes of the teachers and students who attended with these four films.   >>

Student Research Symposia goes virtual in a time of pandemic
“We got the feeling in March it was not going to happen.” said U.S. Country Coordinator Jen Bourgeault describing the impact of COVIS-19 on the 2020 SRS. The solution: a virtual discussion board where GLOBE teams could post their investigations.  >>