
Asset Publisher

Jessica Taylor, Woman of Color Awardee
Jessica Taylor of the NASA Langley GLOBE Partnership was awarded the 2018 Women of Color Award for Educational Leadership in recognition for her work with GLOBE and in promoting training for STEM Professionals to become more effective role models for youth, particularly girls.  >>

WestEd/UC Berkeley Partnership Engages Students in GLOBE Through After School Internships
Do you have 6-12 schools that your partnership works with? Do these schools have after school programs? Learn how this CA Partnership is engaging students in GLOBE through an after school internship program!  >>

Getting Ready for the SRS: How to develop and choose a team of students to attend the GLOBE Regional SRS?
GLOBE teachers discuss GLOBE at their school and how they choose a team of students to attend the SRS.  >>

Elena Sparrow Expands Science Opportunity on Two Frontiers
For more than 40 years, Dr. Elena Bautista Sparrow of the University of Alaska/Fairbanks has braved two frontiers: the study of global climate from the perspective of her home in the Arctic, and the expansion of opportunities for girls and young women to become the scientists they were meant to be.  >>

GLOBE and Eco-Schools: Intersections in Science and Sustainability
Q & A with GLOBE Partner Jennifer Hammonds, M.Ed. and Senior Manager of K-16 Curriculum and Instruction with National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Eco-Schools USA Program.  >>

Partners Read to Collaborate
California GLOBE Partners Gear Up for Collaboration! Five California GLOBE Partnerships will be working side-by-side on November 16th and 17th in Los Angeles, CA.  >>

Land Cover Challenge Winners 2018
Citizen scientists from all of the GLOBE regions -- and from 25 countries -- participated in the 2018 Land Cover Challenge.  >>

GLOBE Observer Land Cover Challenge -- Starts Tomorrow!
GLOBE Observer Land Cover is kicking off with a data challenge to map as much land as possible between 22 Sept., Public Lands Day, and 1 Oct., NASA’s 60th anniversary.  >>

A recent infusion of funding from two sources has re-energized the Wisconsin GLOBE Partnership
GLOBE Trainer Michael Notaro (Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research), GLOBE Partner Rose Pertzborn (University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Space Science & Engineering Center) and a group of students and citizen scientists plan to investigate climate impacts in Wisconsin's Curtis Tension Zone as part of a three-year Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment initiative.  >>

Join Us On Facebook Live and Learn About the New Land Cover Tool within GLOBE Observer
The Land Cover feature is now available, and just in time for National Public Lands Day. Join GLOBE Observer LIVE from one of our public lands, the Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon for a special Facebook Live event on 17 September 2018 at 3:30 p.m. PDT.  >>