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GISN Members -- Please Complete the 2023 GISN Yearly Activity Form!
Share with GIO how you participated in GISN throughout 2023.  >>

New GLOBE Science One-Pagers: GISN and GLOBE Campaigns/IOPs
GIO recently updated and published two new GLOBE Science One-Pagers about GISN and GLOBE Campaigns and IOPs.  >>

Participate in the NASA Earthrise Initiative!
GLOBE's YCC Campaign is collaborating with NASA's Earthrise Initiative to learn about Earth and Climate science resources.  >>

YCC Webinar on 20 January -- NASA's GPM Mission and GLOBE Data
Join the next YCC Webinar on 20 January to learn more about NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and its data connects with GLOBE Data.  >>

GISN Social Hour -- Thursday, 25 January
Join the next GISN Social Hour on Thursday, 25 January at 8 a.m. MTN.  >>

The State of Trees -- January 2024
Start the new year off right with a NASA webinar revisiting the Miyawaki Forests with NASA's Peder Nelson and a discussion on the Year of Open Science and IVSS 2024.  >>

GLOBE Asia and Pacific Virtual Symposium on Wetlands on 2 February 2024
There will be a virtual symposium with presentations on Wetlands on 2 February 2024. GLOBE students may present on wetlands, water, or the hydrosphere.  >>

IVSS Research Report Submission Tool Opens Wednesday, December 13!
Visit the IVSS webpage for more information.  >>

GLOBE Nominated for Irish Social Impact Award
Following the 2018 GLE in Killarney, Ireland, The GLOBE Program was shortlisted for a Social Impact Award from the Irish Tourism Development Authority.  >>

"IVSS Conversation and Badges" Webinar on 6 December
Have questions about the 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) and the new badge? Join this webinar!  >>