
Asset Publisher

GLOBE Nominated for Irish Social Impact Award
Following the 2018 GLE in Killarney, Ireland, The GLOBE Program was shortlisted for a Social Impact Award from the Irish Tourism Development Authority.  >>

"IVSS Conversation and Badges" Webinar on 6 December
Have questions about the 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) and the new badge? Join this webinar!  >>

Final Webinar for the Autumn European Phenology Campaign on 29 November
The final meeting for the Autumn European Phenology Campaign will occur on 29 November at 1:00 p.m. CET (12:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

Protocol Deactivation Pages Are Now Live
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) and The GLOBE Program's Data Information Services (DIS) have finalized the external process for the deactivating seven science protocols.  >>

Four NARM In-Person Professional Development Workshops Available in 2024
Four in-person professional development options for U.S. Partners and educators will be held between February and May 2024.  >>

GLOBE Student Vloggers -- December Update
This past month, we heard from Karam from Israel, Sonam from Bhutan, and Yataweeda of Thailand.  >>

Upcoming Opportunity: Calling All GLOBE Students
In January 2024, the next application opportunity for GLOBE Student Vloggers will open up. Stay tuned for more information!  >>

GLOBE Observer Connect
Join us on 14 December for the December GLOBE Observer Connect session, a conversation with Dr. Di Yang on citizen science and land cover classification.  >>

Observer News: Spotlight on the October 2023 Annular Eclipse
As a more detailed analysis of the data from October's annular eclipse is happening, enjoy these stats and images from volunteer scientists and GLOBE Observer team members.  >>

December Tech Update
Users can expect to see some additional features on the GLOBE website such as GLOBE Homepage link updates, Learning Activities, and eTrainings.  >>