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March GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Student Research Campaign Numbers In!
The GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Field Campaign Student Research Campaign finished up the 2018-2019 campaign with observations from 144 sites and over 2,400 surface temperature observations.  >>

Today (17 April): GME Webinar: “What Have We Learned by Doing the Urban Heat Island Effect-Surface Temperature Field Campaign?”
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) will host a webinar on Wednesday, 17 April (8:00 p.m. ET): “What Have We Learned by Doing the Urban Heat Island Effect-Surface Temperature Field Campaign?”  >>

Today (17 April): GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Webinar: “Tools for Analyzing Data”
Citizen Scientists – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign Webinar #4” See Your Data,” on Wednesday, 17 April, at 2:00 p.m. ET (7:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

Have Questions About GLOBE? Check Out These FAQs!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE community members – as you explore GLOBE, keep in mind that there are many answers already available to you on the website!  >>

NASA GLOBE Clouds: Documentation on How Satellite Data is Collocated to Ground Cloud Observations Now Available
Have you wondered how the GLOBE Clouds team at NASA Langley matches your cloud observations to satellite data? As Marile Colon Robles noted in her recent Community Blog, a new release entitled: "NASA GLOBE Clouds: Documentation on How Satellite Data is Collocated to Ground Cloud Observations" is now available.  >>

Can You Engineer a Low-cost Tool for Measuring Wind Speed? The GLOBE/AREN Project Wind Speed Challenge Is On!
The GLOBE/AREN (AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network) Wind Speed Challenge began 01 April. The goal of the challenge is to engineer a low-cost electronic or non-electronic anemometer (a tool for measuring the speed of wind). Projects must be submitted by 31 May.  >>

Today (10 April) GLOBE Mission Mosquito Education Webinar #6: “Who Am I?”
Educators – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign Webinar #6 “Who Am I? Or How to Identify Larvae” on Wednesday, 10 April, at 2:00 p.m. ET.  >>

07-13 April: The GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Day Mosquito Blitz is On!
The GLOBE Observer Mosquito Blitz kicked off on Sunday, 07 April, and ends on Citizen Science Day, 13 April. Join us in this focused effort to gather observations of mosquito breeding sites.  >>

Today (09 April): U.S. Teacher Watercooler Meetup
U.S. GLOBE Teachers: Join the GLOBE Professional Learning Community (PLC) and hear how other GLOBE teachers use GLOBE with their students during a Teacher Watercooler meet-up at 7:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, 09 April.  >>

GLOBE Community? Ready to Join a Current GLOBE Field Measurement Campaign? Start Today!
Tip of the Week: It’s easy to join, and participate in, one of the current GLOBE field campaigns! Collect your data and put it to immediate use!  >>