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GLOBE Teachers: New Peace Corps GLOBE Hydrosphere Learning Activity Now Available
GLOBE Teachers: There is a new Peace Corps GLOBE Hydrosphere Learning Activity available for you and your students. Through this hands-on experience, students will study and visit a hydrosphere study site; conduct a visual survey to discover information about local land cover and water quality; and document their findings. They will use this initial investigation to raise questions about local land cover and/or water chemistry issues that may require further investigation.  >>

Today (19 January) Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Student Follow-up Webinar: “Classroom Career Connections”
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH student follow-up webinar (Friday, 19 January/1 p.m. EST): “Classroom Career Connections.”  >>

Want to Understand the Role of Data in Predicting Landslides, Mudslides, and Forest Fires? Read this Blog!
Read the latest GLOBE Community Blog, “Landslides, Mudslides, and Forest Fires,” posted by Dorian Wood Janney on 10 January. Learn how data collection and use helps us learn more, and understand more, about our home planet.  >>

GLOBE Community: Share Your GLOBE Story Today – Meaningful Connections Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: As a vital part of the GLOBE community, you are cordially invited to blog on the GLOBE website (under “Community Blog.”) Respectfully voice your opinion, ask questions, share tips and tidbits – and make meaningful connections with members of the community today!  >>

Reserve your Accommodations for the 2018 GLE in Ireland
We are pleased to announce that you may now reserve your rooms(s) at the Gleneagle Hotel for the 2018 GLE in Ireland.  >>

GIO Closed for Martin Luther King Day on 15 January 2018
The GLOBE Implementation Office will be closed in celebration of our U.S. national holiday.  >>

2018 GLOBE IVSS Upload Tool Now Available! Reports Accepted Now through 01 March!
The new upload tool for the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) is now available! Reports are being accepted now (as of 01 January) through 01 March!  >>

STEM Professional? Join the GLOBE International STEM Network – Mentoring Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is an international network of STEM professionals (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) that work with GLOBE students around the world conducting science. As an invaluable member of the GISN, you can mentor students and teachers, present scientific ideas, and/or collaborate on scientific research. Each relationship between a STEM professional and a GLOBE school is unique, and is determined by the STEM professional and the school.  >>

U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar (16 January) and Student Follow-up Webinar (19 January): “Classroom Career Connections”
U.S. Community: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher webinar (Tuesday, 16 January/8 p.m. EST) and student follow-up webinar (Friday, 19 January, 01 p.m. EST): “Classroom Career Connections.”  >>

GLOBE Teachers! Learn to Gather, Map, Analyze, and Communicate Your Data Results in ArcGIS Online – Read This Blog!
GLOBE Community – Make your data meaningful! Read the latest blog written by Dr. Joseph Kerski, Education Manager at Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute, an international supplier of geographic information system software): “Mapping and Analyzing Data from The GLOBE Program in ArcGIS Online.”  >>