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April 2018 Community Letter
April 2018 Community Letter  >>

Does Data Drive Questions or Do Questions Drive Data? Join the Phase III ENSO Campaign SODA Webinar #5 on 26 April and Share Your Thoughts!
The next Phase III GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign SODA (Short Observation and Data Analysis) webinar will be held on Thursday, 26 April at 5:00 p.m. EDT (9:00 p.m. UTC): “Live from David Wooster Middle School; Stratford, Connecticut, USA.”  >>

New Timeline Animation Tool Added to the Visualization System
See your measurement data over time with the new visualization timeline animation tool  >>

Spring Cloud Challenge Has Wrapped Up! Observation Numbers Are Sky High – Thanks GLOBE Community!
The NASA/GLOBE 2018 Spring Cloud Observation Challenge, which ran from 15 March through 15 April, has now wrapped up – and the sky-high numbers are in! During the challenge, GLOBE received a grand total of 56,515 cloud observations from more than 15,000 locations in 99 countries on every continent.  >>

Have Questions About GLOBE? Check Out These FAQs!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE community members – as you explore GLOBE, keep in mind that there are many answers already available to you on the website!  >>

U.S. Community: GLOBE Mission EARTH Satellites Conference on 01 May – Toledo, Ohio, USA
U.S. Community (K-16 students and their teachers): Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Satellites Conference on 01 May (8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.). The event will take place at the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, USA. Register by midnight on 11 April to qualify for a $10 student scholarship (after this date, a $10 student fee will apply).  >>

Time to Celebrate Earth Day 2018 (22 April) AND The GLOBE Program’s Birthday – Watch This Very Special Video Message from GLOBE!
Earth Day 2018 (22 April), which is also The GLOBE Program’s birthday (founded 23 years ago, in 1995), is a day to celebrate – on a global scale – our community and our planet!  >>

NASA Celebrates Earth Day with #NASA4Earth Tools – Highlights GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper
This Earth Day, NASA invites you to help combat mosquito-transmitted diseases, create your own shareable views of our home planet, and watch the fleet of Earth-observing spacecraft as they circle the globe.  >>

Wrap-up of Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature March Campaign
Did you participate in the Urban Heat Island Effect – Surface Temperature Field Campaign in March? Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (Dr. C, from the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA), the developer of the surface temperature protocol, has posted the results of the latest campaign. “This has been a great year for the Urban Heat Island/Surface Temperature Student Research Campaign. More schools and more students have participated than ever before,” he said.  >>

Register by Today (16 April) to Avoid Late Fees for 2018 GLE in Ireland!
The deadline to register for the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) and the 22nd Annual Meeting is today (16 April)! After today, there will be a late registration fee of $75! Also, the deadline to reserve a room on this room block is 30 April 2018. Rooms requested after this date will be at the discretion of the hotel and group pricing cannot be guaranteed.  >>