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Share Your El Niño Stories with the GLOBE Community – and the World!
How has the El Niño phenomenon affected your local environment? Has there been higher than normal temperatures, lots of precipitation, areas of drought? The GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign is happy to announce a way for your to share your stories with the rest of GLOBE and the rest of the world!  >>

GLOBE Students: Learn How to Set up Your Student Account – GLOBE Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Did you know there’s a tutorial showing you how to quickly set up your GLOBE student account? There is!  >>

Advisory: Scheduled Downtime for 28 May 2016
Please be advised that the website will be undergoing maintenance on Saturday, 28 May 2016 between 2 and 4 pm PT.  >>

GLOBE Community: Quickly Learn How to Set up Your Account – GLOBE Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Did you know there’s a tutorial showing you how to quickly set up your GLOBE account information, change your password, and negotiate other account details?  >>

Registered for the 20th GLOBE Annual Meeting Yet? It’s Time to Celebrate the GLOBE Community!
The 20th GLOBE Annual Meeting and Student Research Experience will be held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA, from 16-21 July 2016! The theme of the meeting this year is “Celebrating the GLOBE Community.”  >>

Journal of Science Education and Technology Editors Select Article on GLOBE Costa Rica Study as One Most Likely to “Change the World”
In December 2015, the Springer Nature Journals Editorial Office asked its Journal Editors to nominate one article that addressed the world’s most pressing challenges – as an article that they felt “Could Change the World.” From more than 100 nominations across Springer’s portfolio, an article entitled, “The Costa Rica GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Project as a Learning Science Environment” was selected for the “Change the World, One Article at a Time” campaign.  >>

GLOBE Community: Data Visualization System – Visualizing Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Did you know that GLOBE provides the ability to view and interact (visualize) with data around the world?  >>

What is the Current State of the El Niño Event? Sign Up for 17 May GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign Webinar and Find Out
Sign up today for the 17 May GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign Webinar: “The 2015-2016 El Niño Event.” This webinar will begin at 8:00 p.m. EDT (12 a.m. 18 May UTC).  >>

Will La Niña Follow El Niño? Read the Latest El Niño Field Campaign Blog and Find Out!
Did you know that the global weather pattern (El Niño) that has been affecting the United States over the last 9 months is coming to an end, and now its sister (La Niña) is likely to take hold? Read the latest blog for the GLOBE El Niño Field Campaign and get the details – will it affect you?  >>

NOAA Highlights GLOBE as a Resource to Help Implement New Science Standards
NOAA is highlighting GLOBE as a resource for NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). NOAA is now providing timely, reliable, and actionable information — based on sound science — to help the Nation make smart decisions that impact the future of society, the economy, and the environment. For this reason, NOAA invests in education to foster an informed society that uses ocean, coastal, Great Lakes, weather, and climate science to make the best social, economic, and environmental decisions.  >>