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Students Across Ireland Measure Air Quality as Part of GLOBE Air Quality Campaign 2019
As part of the GLOBE Air Quality Campaign 2019, students from 30 schools across Ireland measured air quality at locations around their schools. Students measured nitrogen dioxide (NO2) – a principal pollutant from car exhaust emissions – during the month of February, and investigated the results and potential impacts on their health and well-being.  >>

Even NASA’s Top Scientists Need a Little Back-Up Sometimes! Watch Bonus Episode of NASA Explorers Digital Series “Cryosphere: Cryo Kids”
NASA Explorers come in all ages! In a bonus episode of NASA Explorers: Cryosphere – Cryo Kids, NASA scientists headed to rural Alaska to check in with some of the program’s tiniest Explorers. These energized explorers are following in the scientists’ footsteps, and working with The GLOBE Program to conduct frost tube experiments designed to measure when and where snow and ice are freezing.  >>

2019 STEM For All Video Showcase Presents Two Videos Spotlighting Exemplary Work of the GLOBE Community! Watch and Vote Today!
The 2019 STEM For All Video Showcase, which runs from 13-20 May and is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), offers two video presentations spotlighting The GLOBE Program.  >>

“Early-bird” Registration for 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting Ends Today: 15 May!
“Early-bird” (lower-price) registration for the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting ends on 15 May! The meeting, which will be held in Detroit, Michigan, USA, will take place from 14-18 July at The Crowne Plaza Detroit Downtown Riverfront Hotel. The Student Experience (16-18 July) will be held at the Howell Nature Center. The deadline to register for the meeting is 01 July. Space is limited, so register soon!  >>

Stipend Drawing for 2019 IVSS Projects Will be Held on 17 May
On Friday, 17 May (9:30 a.m. MDT/11:30 a.m. EDT/3:30 p.m. UTC), GLOBE will hold a stipend drawing for projects submitted to the 2019 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). Join us HERE to see which projects are selected to receive stipends to assist in attending the Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan, USA this July.  >>

Today (14 May): Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Webinar “What Greens Up, Must Green Down – Greenings Live from Switzerland”
On Tuesday, 14 May, the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “What Greens Up, Must Green Down – Greenings Live from Switzerland,” will be held at 12:00 p.m. EDT (4:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

GLOBE Community: Here’s How You Upload Photos and Videos to GLOBE Webpages – Uploading Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Want to upload photos or videos to the GLOBE Website? Watch this demonstration video and learn how to upload today!  >>

Can You Engineer a Low-cost Tool for Measuring Wind Speed? The GLOBE/AREN Project Wind Speed Challenge Runs through 31 May!
The GLOBE/AREN (AEROKATS and ROVER Education Network) Wind Speed Challenge began 01 April. The goal of the challenge is to engineer a low-cost electronic or non-electronic anemometer (a tool for measuring the speed of wind). Projects must be submitted by 31 May.  >>

Read the Latest Community Blog “Did You Dump Out the Water? When to Answer “No” to Eliminating a Mosquito Breeding Site When Using the GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper”
In a recent GLOBE Community Blog, Dr. Russanne (Rusty) Low, GLOBE Mission Mosquito Science Lead, answers questions submitted by community members using the GLOBE Observer (GO) Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool regarding what to do when mosquitoes are found in a natural habitat, such as an estuary or wetland.  >>

Attending the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Detroit this Summer? Then BE with GLOBE!
Are you planning to attend the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan, USA, this summer? Then maybe it’s time for you to Benefit the Environment (BE) with GLOBE!  >>