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How Do Your Trees Measure Up? Get Ready to Find Out! GLOBE Will Be Hosting a New Data Challenge Beginning in October!
How do your trees measure up? Get ready to find out! The GLOBE Program will be hosting a new data challenge, via the program’s mobile app, GLOBE Observer, which will begin in October and run through November.  >>

Lake Pokhara Expedition Takes Place 27 September through 03 October
The Lake Pokhara Expedition will take place from 27 September through 03 October at Phewa Lake, which is a fresh-water mountain lake of ecological significance located in the southern part of Pokhara Valley.  >>

Year 05 Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Begins 01 October! Focus Will be “Looking at Change Over Time and Organizing Student Research”
The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will begin Year 05 on 01 October 2022. The focus for Year 5 will be: “Looking at Change Over Time and Organizing Student Research.”  >>

Recent Paper Highlights How The GLOBE Program’s App, GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper Enables Next-Generation Surveillance of Mosquitoes
A paper published on 27 July 2022 in the journal Insects, “Integrating Global Citizen Science Platforms to Enable Next-Generation Surveillance of Invasive and Vector Mosquitoes” highlights how data from multiple citizen science apps, including The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover, allow the general public to provide images of mosquito specimens and breeding habitats using smartphones.  >>

NASA GLOBE Land Cover Challenge 2022 Is On through This Friday! Help NASA Track Climate Change Impacts
The GLOBE Program invites you to participate in the NASA GLOBE Land Cover Challenge 2022: Land Cover in a Changing Climate. The challenge began on 26 July and runs through this Friday, 26 August.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: 2022-2023 Watercoolers Begin Again in September
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: The 2022-2023 season of Watercoolers is starting up again in September. Watercoolers are held most Thursdays at 04:10 p.m. ET. They provide an informal opportunity to connect with other U.S. GLOBE teachers and partners to share ideas. Each week begins with a presentation from a teacher or partner, with time for questions.  >>

Planning for the 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium is Underway! This Year’s Theme: “Global Connections: Investigating Earth as a System Together”
GLOBE is excited to host the 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)! This year’s theme is “Global Connections: Investigating Earth as a System Together.”  >>

K-12 Educators: LEARN Science! Check Out these Out-of-This-World Learning and Educational Activities and Resources from NASA/GLOBE
With the 2022 Back-to-School season upon us, NASA would like to help educators launch into the school year with Learning and Educational Activities and Resources from NASA Science (LEARN Science)! Discover awesome, ready-to-use activities and resources.  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: Watercoolers Starting Up in September
U.S. GLOBE Teachers and Partners: The 2022-2023 season of Watercoolers is starting up once again in September. Watercoolers are held most Thursdays, at 04:10 p.m. EST. They provide an informal opportunity to connect with other GLOBE teachers and partners to share ideas. Each week begins with a presentation from a teacher or partner, with time for questions and conversation following.  >>

Save the Dates: 2022 North American Regional Meeting (NARM) Will Take Place on 02-04 (Virtual) and 07-08 (In Person) November
The GLOBE North American Regional Meeting (NARM) is held every year to bring together members of the U.S. GLOBE community to learn and share ideas. Due to the continuing constraints of COVID-19, as well as ensuring the event is accessible to all GLOBE partners regardless of funding, the NARM will be presented in a different format this year.  >>