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April News Brief 2019
April News Brief 2019  >>

GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project Update – May 2019
The GLOBE Zika Education and Prevention Project continues to engage communities in the fight against the Zika virus. To date, thirty countries – spanning the GLOBE Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, and Asia and Pacific regions – have entered over 65,000 data points into the GLOBE database using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App. Local Mosquito Workshops (LMWs) continue to increase engagement and encourage data collection at the local level.  >>

GLOBE Community: Need Media Release Forms? Events Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Are you hosting a GLOBE-related event that will be photographed and/or videotaped by GLOBE or NASA and its representatives? Here are the required Media Release Forms for Adults and for Parents and Minors.  >>

March 2019 Global Shout-Outs for Trees Around the GLOBE Measurements!
The GLOBE Program would like to give a big “shout-out” to the top most active GLOBE participants taking at least 10 measurements for tree height, greenings, and land cover measurements for the campaign in March!  >>

Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Releases Special Arbor Day (26 April) Video – Join the Campaign Today!
Today, 26 April, is Arbor Day. Arbor Day is a special day that is set aside throughout the world to raise awareness of trees and the important role that they play in our environment. The Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign celebrates trees every day with students taking tree height measurements all over the world.  >>

2019 IVSS Projects Are In! GLOBE Needs Your Assistance to Judge!
The deadline for submitting projects to the 2019 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) was 10 April – and GLOBE received a record number of projects! So many, in fact, that there is a great need for GISN members/STEM professionals, GLOBE alumni, and GLOBE teachers to sign up and help judge these amazing projects.  >>

Tech Update April 2019
The following enhancements were made, or were in progress, during the month of April 2019.  >>

GISN Now Accepting Early Career STEM Professionals – Paying it Forward Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is now accepting early career STEM professional. This GISN subgroup will consist of members who are upper-level undergraduate or master's students pursuing a degree in a STEM field, as well as recent graduates who are working in STEM fields who have less than five years’ experience.  >>

NASA Invites You to “Picture Earth” for Earth Day (22 April)
As announced in NASA Release 19-029 (Steve Cole, Headquarters, Washington): “Our magnificent planet is always ready for its close-up. On Earth Day, April 22, NASA wants to see your take.”  >>

March GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Student Research Campaign Numbers In!
The GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Field Campaign Student Research Campaign finished up the 2018-2019 campaign with observations from 144 sites and over 2,400 surface temperature observations.  >>