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Students in Puerto Rico Apply GLOBE Protocols to Research Water Quality after Devastating Hit by Hurricane Maria
Still in the depths of the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Maria, GLOBE students (grades 6-8) at Ramey School in Puerto Rico dove in and researched the immediately practical question of “Improving the Drinking Water after Hurricane Maria Using Natural Resources.” The students examined this question using GLOBE protocols, and submitted their research report to the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium.  >>

Tomorrow (13 April): GLOBE Mission EARTH Student Webinar “Using Student Voice on Climate Change and the Impact on Communities”
U.S. Community: GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) hosted a webinar on Tuesday, 10 April: “Climate Communications – Connecting the Classroom to Climate Change.” A student follow-up webinar will take place on Friday, 13 April (1:00 p.m. EDT): “Using Student Voice on Climate Change and the Impact on Communities.”  >>

A Few More Days to Enter Observations for the NASA GLOBE Spring Cloud Data Challenge – Through 15 April!
There’s still a few more days to enter your cloud observations into the NASA GLOBE Spring Cloud Observation Data Challenge. The challenge began on 15 March and continues through 15 April. Participants are invited to enter up to 10 cloud observations per day using the GLOBE Program’s data entry options or the GLOBE Observer app. GLOBE and GLOBE Observer participants with the most observations will be congratulated by a NASA scientist with a video posted on the NASA GLOBE Clouds website.  >>

Today (10 April): GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar: “Climate Communications – Connecting the Classroom to Climate Change”
U.S. Community: GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) will host a webinar on Tuesday, 10 April (8:00 p.m. EDT): “Climate Communications – Connecting the Classroom to Climate Change.” A student follow-up webinar will take place on Friday, 13 April (1:00 p.m. EDT): “Using Student Voice on Climate Change and the Impact on Communities.”  >>

Celebrate Citizen Science Day 2018 with Us
Happy Citizen Science Day 2018! This week on the NASA GLOBE Observer social media pages (Facebook and Twitter) you can learn more about seven other citizen science projects that you can do with NASA.  >>

GLOBE Community: GLOBE Observer App Has a Mosquito Habitat Mapper – Citizen Science Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Observer App, which is available in iOS and Android formats, allows anyone in a GLOBE country to enter data about clouds directly into the GLOBE database. It includes a new tool – a Mosquito Habitat Mapper. This tool supports citizen scientists in efforts to map, count, and identify mosquito larvae found in breeding sites!  >>

GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Webinar on 10 April (Student Webinar 13 April): “Climate Communications – Connecting the Classroom to Climate Change”
U.S. Community: GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) will host a webinar on Tuesday, 10 April (8:00 p.m. EDT): “Climate Communications – Connecting the Classroom to Climate Change.” A student follow-up webinar will take place on Friday, 13 April (1:00 p.m. EDT): ““Using Student Voice on Climate Change and the Impact on Communities.”  >>

Register by 16 April to Avoid Late Fees for 2018 GLE in Ireland!
The deadline to register for the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) and the 22nd Annual Meeting is 16 April! After 16 April, there will be a late registration fee of $75! Also, the deadline to reserve a room on this room block is 30 April 2018. Rooms requested after this date will be at the discretion of the hotel and group pricing cannot be guaranteed.  >>

2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium Drawing Winners
This morning, 06 April, a live drawing was held to select four 2018 International Virtual Science Symposia (IVSS) projects for stipends to help offset the cost of attending the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in Killarney, Ireland, in July. During the drawing, which was held at 9:00 a.m. (MDT), GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Director, Dr. Tony Murphy, randomly selected the four projects.  >>

2018 IVSS Participants: A Live Drawing for Student Stipends to Attend 2018 GLE in Ireland Takes Place Tomorrow (06 April)!
First, if you participated in the 2018 IVSS, GIO would like to express a big “Thank You” for making this year’s research and science adventure a success! You are the power behind the purpose of GLOBE! Second, mark your calendar for 06 April -- when a live drawing for student stipends to attend the 2018 GLE in Ireland will take place.  >>