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WEBINAR | International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) Kick-off Meeting
The International Virtual Science Symposium is an opportunity for GLOBE students to showcase their research to the rest of the community. Learn more at this informational meeting.  >>

10/15/2024 - 10/17/2024
2024 GLOBE North American Regional Meeting (NARM) - Virtual
Join us for the 3-day 2024 virtual North American Regional Meeting (NARM) will be held 15–17 October at 1:00 pm ET (17:00 UTC) each day.  >>

10/22/2024 - 10/24/2024
2024 GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting
The XXI Regional Meeting for GLOBE Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on 22, 23, and 24 October 2024, at Hodelpa Nicolás de Ovando, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  >>

11/13/2024 - 11/16/2024
2024 GLOBE Near East and North Africa Regional Meeting
The Near East and North Africa (NENA) Regional Meeting will be held 13–16 November in Jordan. More information to come.  >>