
Partner News

The University of Toledo, Ohio Partnership is also the lead for GLOBE Mission EARTH.  Click here to see more Mission Earth stories. 

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GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Melody Tsapranis of Navarre Elementary has her students investigate water quality and collect GLOBE observations at Sidecut Park in Maumee, Ohio
GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher Melody Tsapranis of Navarre Elementary has her students investigate water quality and collect GLOBE observations at Sidecut Park in Maumee, Ohio  >>

Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign in Full Force
The GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect Campaign for October is in full force. Students around the world have been taking surface temperature observations.  >>

Dr. Kevin Czajkowski's Undergraduate and Graduate Students fly Kites and Aerokats
On October 2nd, 2019, Dr. Kevin Czajkowski took his Undergraduate and Graduate students outside to fly kites! The students also attached Aerokats to the kites to collect atmospheric data for GLOBE.  >>

GME Webinar #6 – Teacher Sharing
GME Webinar #6 – Teacher Sharing  >>