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GLOBE Announces Site of the 2018 GLE
The GLOBE Program is pleased to announce ....  >>

Used GLOBE’s Data Entry App Version 1.3 Yet? Create and Edit Sites Without Active Internet Connection!
GLOBE Data Entry App Version 1.3 is now available (for Android and iOS) – and it’s all about making data entry easy! This latest version of the Data Entry App allows you to create and edit your sites – even without an active internet connection. This version includes atmosphere, hydrology and land cover sites, and adds the ability to take site photos.  >>

GLOBE Community: Want to See How Your Cloud Observations Match Up to NASA Satellites? Data Visualization Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Want to see how your GLOBE cloud observations match up to overpassing NASA satellites?  >>

GLOBE Teachers: Have You Used the Advanced Teacher’s Guide Search Tool? Searching Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: The GLOBE Teacher’s Guide Search Tool allows you to search the entire Teacher’s Guide using several different search parameters.  >>

GLOBE is Connecting in Connecticut at the 21st Annual Meeting – Use #GLOBE21 to Keep Up with Meeting Events on Social Media
The 21st GLOBE Annual Meeting and Student Research Experience is now in full swing in New Haven, Connecticut! Hosted by GLOBE Partner Dr. Scott Graves (Southern Connecticut State University) in collaboration with the GLOBE Implementation Office, the theme of the meeting is “Coastal Resilience in Urban Environments.”  >>

July 2017 GLOBE News Brief
July 2017 GLOBE News Brief  >>

New GLOBE Community Blog “School to School Collaboration” Shares the Importance of Collaborative Endeavors
Did you know that The GLOBE Program provides the opportunity to connect students from all over the world and for them to work collaboratively with another school? A new Community Blog, written by Dr. Marta Irene Kingsland (the Country Coordinator for Argentina, and a member of the GLOBE Education Working Group), explores these types of collaborative endeavors in “School to School Collaboration.”  >>

GLOBE Community: Check Out These World Meteorological Organization Resources!
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has a large number of resources aimed at educating the public about weather, the science behind it, and meteorological careers. GLOBE is excited to share these WMO resources with you.  >>

Monthly Tech Update August 2017
Expect the fully functional version of the eclipse app on 18 August 2017. With it, you will be able to make observations of air temperature and clouds before, during and after the solar eclipse on 21 August 2017. In addition, the GLOBE visualization system's interface will be upgraded in August and will be supported on mobile as well.  >>

GLOBE Community: Is eTraining Right for You? Protocol Training Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE eTraining provides the opportunity for new and existing GLOBE users to complete science protocol training at anytime, anywhere. GLOBE eTraining consists of multiple downloadable training modules, interactive digital field and lab experiences, online assessments for each module, and access to support through online discussion forums.  >>